@Klaudia it’s so funny but like should I be worried? Feel like he does it to be funny when we’re playing tbh
He probably does. Do you imitate him when he does that? We can do that for hours 🤩 😱 😂
My boy all of last week was squealing and squeaking like a dolphin.🤣 I mean when you say wheezing...does he have a cold/is he chesty? My little boy imitates sounds I make though so he could just be copying
@Klaudia yeah😭😂
@Lauren no he doesn’t just when he’s excited and is being playful so I’m assuming he’s just playing around 😭😂
It's so funny bless him. Just exploring his voice! I've got a cat and she was purring the other day so I started doing it and now he's trying to ... he like gargles and makes a noise. It's the cutest.
😂 my son sounds like a seagull this week and I don't think he ever met one