Do you have a photo of the progression. One possibility is that there were 2 embryos but only one made it
So they decided to go from top being last Friday and bottom being to day
So boots and clear blue require the same amount of hcg and the bottom on requires 25 hcg
I didn’t take pictures of the lighter ones as I’m assumed it was another loss but then I haven’t bleed or have any cramps or signs of loss so I took a clear blue and the lines came up so clearly
Over Monday I have pinching and extremely mild sharp pain that happened occasionally that then stopped on one side and I had it a little bit on the other side but nothing since Tuesday:)
Honestly they look fine to me but I'd go get bloods test at this point as soon as I got a positive tests I made an appointment for bloods ,please do the same ♥️
Yea I think I’ll call the gp
And I'd stick to one brand only to see progression otherwise the darkness in lines will be all over the place and make you question x
Yea I did do, but haven’t had the chance to go back to boots to get same brand :)
Clear blue digital said 1-2 weeks but who knows
I would call doc