@Nia mommy- Claus I like that. I never heard this before
@Raven yeah i do too! idk if she came up with it or heard it somewhere but i’m definitely gonna use this one when mine are old enough to understand
The world isn’t black and white and there’s grey area. I wouldn’t consider it lying. I would consider it keeping magic alive. There’s nothing wrong with a little fantasy in life
People read a little too much into the Santa thing. It’s a cute story to feed kids’ imaginations and as they get older and slowly learn to rationalise it becomes obsolete. Like the tooth fairy etc. It doesn’t teach them to lie or deceive. Ofc tell your child whatever you like and if you don’t wanna raise them to believe in Santa that’s totally cool! But I don’t think we need to make it that deep
@Mary 🤡👽🦹🏽‍♀️ i was thinking about trying to keep the magic alive . I just don't want my son to stop trusting me anymore -like the way I stop trusting my mom. For reasons beyond Santa but that is a whole 'other situation.
St. Nicholas was real so it still keeps things biblical and I wouldn’t say it’s lying. We do Santa, but we keep Christ in Christmas.
Also like you said, you didn’t stop trusting your mom because of Santa clause it was bigger stuff than that. I remember when I found out Santa wasn’t real. (I noticed my dads wedding ring lol) I didn’t think anything of it. I just grew out of it. It didn’t impact whether I lied or not. I still like taking family pictures with Santa lol!
Any kid that stops trusting their parents does so for reasons that have nothing to do with Santa or the Tooth Fairy. We have to embrace reality as an adult. Don't deprive your child of the magic of believing. Let them embrace it for as long as possible because reality is a slap in the face.
Santa is different in our culture. He only brings shoes and chocolates at the start of December... my neices and nephews more think of Santa as someone you have your photo with at the shopping centre lol
i don’t understand the story, but my mom just says “Mommy-Claus” bought the gifts.