I give redirection and verbal warnings and if that doesn’t work I do time out. My little guy has to be held in timeout (not harshly or anything but just so he knows it’s a punishment) and it’s important to avoid eye contact and only do it 1 minute per year of age. Then after I explain what happened and I’ve had really good luck with reducing the “tantrums” this way.
@Aspen @Monet thank you both! I think I may spend the weekend giving timeout a try. I’ve tried everything else but that and since I’m home all weekend maybe it’ll be a good time to dedicate to trying it 😕
@Nise yes just remember that while they’re in time out don’t talk to them or make eye contact just stay as neutral as possible. Especially if you have to keep them there at first. Once done after a hug or something redirect to a positive activity.
@Monet I appreciate the info, thank you!
My little one went through a huge stage of hitting my face. And it was so so overwhelming. She would resoind when my husband would Discipline her, but not me. I'm so sorry. When I ended up doing, was firmly saying no, and setting her down immediately. She would cry and have a huge reaction and I would sit next to her and let her hug me if she wanted but just say that we can't hit. And it's gotten better. Good luck mama!