I think it is a toddler boy thing as my little boy used to do it as well. All you can do is manage it as best you can & make sure he doesn't bang his head on anything too hard x
My LO has been doing this too. I addressed it with his pediatrician because we’ve been so concerned and it’s upsetting. Doctor said it’s a common thing toddlers do. Some toddlers do it for a long period of time. He also said they can’t cause themselves any harm it just looks unsightly. He also said that this is not a sign or concern for any neurological delays/or behavioral issues in the future. He definitely made me feel better.
My son is doing this but not super hard. If he accidentally hits his head he’ll gently try to do it again and again. He’s now 15 months
my son still does this. he just turned 2. dr doesn’t seem concerned bc everything else he’s on track or advanced. he’s just emotional af
My boy is the same. Honestly, it's heartbreaking, but I'm trying to ignore it if he does it gently and stick my ground . He does it for attention. If you don't respond to him, or if things aren't going his way he walks over to the door or wall or somtimes the floor and bang his head and fake a cry and rub his head while looking at me . I think it's a phase. What I do is tell validate his feeling and say no to banging head and distract with somthing else do share what you hv advice please x