Hi not what you want to hear but it depends on loads of factors. 1. How sensitive the test is, some tests are can detect very small traces of HCG (the pregnancy hormone) 2. When implantation occurs, a fertilised egg won’t start releasing HCG until after implantation. This generally happens 6-10 days after ovulation. So if you implanted later you wouldn’t get a positive pregnancy test. 3. All women have different base levels of HCG, so some people test positive earlier than others.
You’re not out until your period shows up. You can still implant up to 12dpo so if you’ve not implanted yet or only happened in the last few days it won’t show up. HCG takes 2-3 days to rise enough to show on a test. That being said, it depends on your test, if it’s an early one, it’ll show the 2-3 days after but likely not if it’s not a sensitive one x
I didn’t get a positive until 2 days after my missed period, if I could go back in time I’d tell myself to stop testing until I missed my period. I allowed loads of people on the internet to convince me that I “should” be able to see faint lines pre period, and they were completely wrong.
Tests can show from 8DPO But it all depends on when you ovulated. You're never out till AF arrives though x