Was both of them fmu, and did you wake for a drink at all? Had you drank before taking a test? And if not fmu then did you do a hold without drinking the same as the 13dpo one? As taking tests after drinking does dilute the urine so will appear lighter
@Natalie yes
@Jen top was about mid afternoon yesterday and bottom was FMU today. I’m wondering if your hormones just fluctuate throughout the day
@Jen was just going to say the same thing lol
Don’t stress too much over like progression. I was 9 weeks pregnant when I found out with my son and it was that faint I could barely see it!!
Yes it can fluctuate during the day, and I used to find I got a darker test at night than I did fmu...
@Shannon that can happen as I think it's called the hook effect... Its like your hcg is that high that a test no longer picks it up kinda thing
@Jen I never got a proper positive ever like even at 4/5 weeks I was testing negative. I had it confirmed via bloods x
13 is top, 14 is bottom?