@Vanessa I just have a problem with dads’ wanting to be apart of the fun times (mostly). I’m happy that you have a stand up husband all around. Good for you ❤️ This is about pleasure and wanting to show your man that you appreciate all that he does around the clock physically not just verbally.
in our culture it’s the norm/bare minimum to both be helping around the house and with kids. i think my husband does more than me though, but i appreciate it lol
Wdym can u explain more please
Like I said don’t get me wrong, my husband is great dad when he wants to be! It’s not like he’s a POS, I just wish I felt more inclined to please him sexually, but I don’t feel like he deserves it as much I think he does :/ you see what I’m saying. @Vanessa ?
@quiddo I like your norm :)
thank you :) do you feel comfortable telling him how you feel? do you think he would listen ?
@quiddo I don’t know what his response would be but he would listen, but I feel like I would sound unappreciativeThat is not the case at all. I want to appreciate him so much to where I feel more motivated to show him, physically and emotionally, not just verbally.
THIS! My husband is really helpful as I also work full time BUT it's the small things that get me! Like if I'm sick, I will still get up, get both girls dressed and do the school/nursery drop offs whilst he is slowly getting himself ready for work and leaves the same time as me, or if we are all going out for the day, he sorts himself out whilst I get everything organised for all of us in the same amount of time! It really bugs me that there doesn't seem to be any proactiveness or foresight around the kids but for mums it's just expected, like we all went to mum school or something 🤣
Same Ellis.... We also have a shared calendar, yet he will still ask me when things are happening instead of just looking himself. And don't get me started on food/meals. He thinks "what am I going to eat" not anyone else. son is almost 3 and he still thinks a couple pieces of asparagus are a meal. Siiiigh
@Ellis “like we all went to mum school” perfectly said. I know it’s instinct for us to be great, but it doesn’t make it right for most dads to put in the bare minimum. We are married for a reason, we are supposed to be a unit.
@Um Halah I appreciate you. Thanks for sharing. I’m not trying to weaponize sex, not at all, whatsoever. I am literally not using sex as a reward that’s disgusting and not what the marriage covenant is at all. I just want to feel closer to him, I want him to help more with our 13 month old. I want to have a desire to show more affection to him. I feel like we are just roommates sometimes :/
To add… @Um Halah Honestly and this is really personal…we are currently not having sex, because I’m pregnant and in my second trimester. There’s a lot to factor in and I’m not going to go into the deets but we have lost two in the past. Our 2nd loss (still birth) we lost baby before we had sex but when we did have sex my mucus plug came out the next day and yada yada that’s how we found out we lost our son a few weeks before. So it’s a very weird act for us whilst carrying a child. We both go there in our minds and we would rather show affection in other ways.
100x yes, if you want me to have the energy for sex, help me so I don't slave all day and night with the kids and the housework
Ohhh ok. Hmm I would talk to him explain your feelings and tell him wat u would like for him to do. That u want to do more for him but you’re sexually turned off at the fact that he could do more.
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@Ella thank you for bringing spunk to the post 👌🤗
Thanks for sharing. @Katherine Ohhh my goodness. The question “where are the ____ ?” is the going to be the death of me. 😢/🤣
Today I was asked "is this bowl dirty" ...when I was in a different room, breastfeeding our 4mo old .. seriously..what bowl? Do you have eyes? Does it look dirty? And why in the world would there be a random clean bowl out on the counter? Where would clean bowls be hmmmm- the drying rack, the dish washer, the cabinets..if it's not there then yeah it's probably dirty 🤦♀️
My husband does a lot for my son and I when he is off work and provides for the family.
My husband does a lot for our daughter while also providing I don’t have this problem thank god