Yeah twin are more intense sickness and will hopefully pass ginger is good for nausea… try to do your best at keeping down your prenanatals (I had a lot of issues with this) your dr can prescribe Zofran to help as well. Eat foods rich in folic acid and red meat to help with possible anemia Orange juice and green juice smoothie with spinach pineapple blueberries is also really good for you I know it may not seem appetizing at the moment but those are what helped me and I felt I could barely eat at 9 weeks… hang in there mama I wish I could say it gets better but it mostly just changes to new discomforts but you got this 💪🏼❤️
When I found out I was having twins, I was recommended to read a book called Real Food in Pregnancy by Lily Nichols. I had no sickness.. my pregnancy was really pleasant. I was also recommended to take extra supplements. A pregnancy supplement and Omega 3, I really feel this helped along with drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated. Another diet my midwife recommended is the DR Brewers diet. I hope your nausea passes and you can enjoy your pregnancy. Congratulations on your baby twins 🥰❤️
So I weighed 135 lbs before getting pregnant and only gained 35lbs (gave birth at 37w 4d) and both my babies were born healthy so don't worry too much about weight. Try to eat healthy and for the meals your not too hungry make a protein shake- I drank one every single day (I used orgain organic protein in chocolate flavor with ice, milk, and a scoop of peanut butter). As for the nausea my doc told me you actually get more sick when you don't eat so I would eat a ton of honey nut cherrios just dry, drink alot of water, and had alot of watermelon. I also bought nausea hard candies off Amazon that helped. Good luck!