@Jess thanks Jess! I feel like they aren’t that bad to time them and coming at random times but I will definitely start to time them now x
I'd had them every evening for weeks that I thought I'd be early but by morning they always stopped. So when I woke with them one morning I decided to time them. I'd have maybe an hour or 2 with nothing then some close together was all over the place all day. When did your pains start?
@Jess these started this morning but were very mild I thought it was just braxton hicks but as the days gone on they have got stronger but I still wouldn’t say painful enough to say it’s labour I’m confused by it all 🫣
Could be slow labour just keep an eye on timings. If waters go then definitely call labour ward.
I wasn't convinced my contractions were labour either, as they just felt like period cramps to me. It went like that for about 15 hours and then ramped in the evening and I gave birth 5 hours later
I started timing mine one morning when I woke with slight cramping/period pain. It was on and off all day until about 8pm when it got stronger and closer together. Midwife arrived an hour later and I was 5cm. I would suggest timing them and when they get closer together and frequent or the pain gets too much then call maternity ward.