@Dianna I didn’t know that about the timeouts! And we try and show her soft touch instead of hitting. I’ll take her hand and rub it on my hand and say “we Sha Sha we don’t hit, no hitting” and she does when she is being sweet but when she gets frustrated she immediately turns to hitting
Does she know the word ouch yet? Teach her it hurts and keep up with the redirecting her to a better positive activity. And a firm on no hitting is great but add "be gentle". Peffect for when you lightly touch them. You are telling her no sure, but now you are adding telling her what she could do...
Personally, I just put my kid down when she does that. If necessary stand up and move away from her.
I hear time outs don't work until they are 6. I've also read that if they grab your face you want to lead by example and show them how to caress their face instead. After the 3rd time they start to understand.