My little girl is a great talker and speaks sentences all time but she cant do some of what your little one can do. We can get to 11 on numbers, she knows her alphabet but gets them all jumbled or the pronunciation is wrong so maybe you’re little one could just be doing things differently and the sentences will come soon and they’ll be clear as day. My friend’s little girl went from just making noise to speaking properly within like a couple of weeks. Keep on at the HV or even the GP but i don’t think theres too much to worry about but always worth getting peace of mind :) xx
Try not to worry; it seems like her understanding is there & they're like little sponges at this age - I'm sure she'll suddenly start putting it all together and speaking really well when she's ready. My 2 boys were closer to 3 years old before they started talking properly. Our youngest (a girl) is also at a similar stage of pointing instead of using words. Just like walking & sitting up, they all do it at different times. The best way is talking a lot, describing what you're doing "now I'm going to put teddy let's play with your mummy is going to wash the dishes". I'm sure you're doing this lots already. And singing/playing nursery rhymes as it's so good for language. There's also a really good programme on the cbeebies (if you're in the UK) called Yakka Dee. It teaches how one object can be different things and you can talk/interact through it too - "oh look that's a drawing of an apple", "that apple's really red". And of course reading books :) I hope that helps some...
...sounds like you are doing a great job already & just need to take the pressure off yourself a bit :)
The more you try to force it will upset her and maybe cause regression from the pressure of it. Hipster learn at their own pace and different to other children I wouldn’t compare to where other children are at get a speech therapy referral or go to chatter matter groups at family hubs use makaton and pecs but do not force it it will make it worse even reading there hearing the language don’t correct what she says but repeat it like if she says I want chicken but means water said I want water please take the pressure off