What would you do?
So I would have to be a clown to marry into a family that obviously doesn’t want me apart of right? My future in-laws don’t care about me. They haven’t gotten to know me and that was made very obvious at Christmas. It’s been a decade. They’ve had plenty of time to get to know me but have made little to no effort. Most don’t even know my middle name, or birthday, much less anything else about me. Meanwhile I know every single birthday, name, foods they’ll eat, and more. Only recently did they kinda decide to, when we had children. I made the effort and it wasn’t returned, so I stopped. They don’t bother calling the kids, after promising to. I don’t bother pestering them about it. They’re adults. If they want to make the time for the kids, they would. If they wanted to get to know me during that time, they could have, but i noticed they did with others who have since joined the family. It’s literally just me they don’t like. They treat all of us (their son and our family) like black sheep and only invite us because they feel bad. Knowing I don’t have any family myself. How would you go about this? I love this man and have been with him a very long time, but can’t stand his family. Any advice?
Honestly fuck them. If your partner supports you and loves you and has your back then his family shouldn’t affect your decision regarding marrying him. You have your own little family now and if they choose not to reach out it is their loss x