My baby has been going since 4 weeks old. If he's smiling it's good! Like Sam says he prob needs a nap after, can u get him to sleep in his pram after and then go for coffee? It deffo tires them out, mine conks out after and sometimes during! It's deffo good for them though.
I found all of these things super overstimulating for me and I’m an adult. Their wake windows are so short, getting them to ones of these things when they aren’t too tired, full of milk and in a good mood is hard. I found my LO much preferred being out in a park, seeing green trees and leaves/horses near where we live. IE anything in nature, was much more enjoyable for us both. To be honest I feel the same now, we prefer nature over soft play etc. it really depends on your child’s temperament. Be a little adaptable to what they like and you’ll both enjoy it much more 💕
It depends on the baby a lot, you should try shorter time maybe, not go to the coffee shop etc. My son is 15 months, we go to some playgroups but he can still get overstimulated sometimes as he is very sensitive to sounds like his dad, so sometimes I might need to leave early or not go alltogether if he has a fussy day. So I would say see how it goes and expect each time to be different, they are very unpredictable at this age
It is a good time in the day for him, nap-wise? If it's close to when he's due a sleep, he could just be fussy due to tiredness and overstimulation.