He was was 6lb12 when he was born so not big, I’ll keep them at 4oz for every feed and see how we get on. Thank you xx
When my son was born he was drinking. 3-4oz almost immediately and every 2-3 hours he’d have a bottle I was told by my midwife to just feed on demand and as soon as he would be drinking the whole 3 oz with every bottle and cry after for more to up it!
My son was the same.. he was born 8lb5 and has always loved his milk. He is now 4months old and takes 6/7oz every 2.5/3 hours without fail
Unless there’s a medical reason NOT to, always feed baby on demand. Babies don’t typically’ overeat’ unless there’s something going on (acid reflux typically, but you’ll see other VERY FUSSY signs of that!). If he’s just continuing to act hungry after his feeding, definitely give him more!
Thank you everyone xx
My baby was 6lb 9oz so small like yours, he’s 19 days old and is on 4oz bottles every 2-3 hours. Has been for about a 7 days now. He’s not sick either, just hungry
Hi, my little boy is the same he’s 14 days old today. He was a big boy born at 8lb 11 and he’s now 8lb 15 😳 so is naturally wanting bigger feeds as he’s a big boy. He takes 4/5oz every 3/4 hours. Like you’ve said in your post if your baby isn’t being sick and is showing hunger ques (hands in mouth, looking around for boob/bottle) he will be wanting more. You might find if he has a slightly bigger feed he will go longer between his feeds rather than the 2 hours. X