Community Posts, Tips & Support on First Trimester

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on First Trimester.

Anyone else going to have 2 under 2? How are you feeling about it?

When this baby is born I will also have an 18 month old. This was planned and we wanted a small age gap but looking after my little one while tired and nauseous is making me worry about how difficult it will be when the next one arrives 😅


Heavily pregnant birthday

Not baby related but I'll be 37 weeks pregnant on my birthday on Saturday and just looking for any suggestions on something I could do? Not planned anything as feel like at this stage I could go into labour at anytime


Family planning

We have a 14 month old daughter. How do you know when you’re done having kids? I feel in my heart I want 3 but my husband is set on two. Financially it makes the most sense for our next baby to be our last. But that kind of hurts my heart. How do / did you know when your last baby is your last?


3rd Trimester🙈🥳

Finally made it to third trimester!! 28 weeks today🥰🥰 Due Nov. 4th🩷 Having my glucose testing done on friday😩 Congratulations to all the other mommas hitting 3rd tri too!!


Struggling 😢

Anyone else really struggling - my pregnancy with my little girl who is 2 was lovely. This one is really kicking my butt and I honestly feel so down and poorly. I’m only 6 weeks and a few days and im struggling😢


Anyone else pregnant and finding themselves breaking all of their own rules for their October babes? 🤦🏻‍♀️

I’m not a strict mum at all but I do try to keep screen time low and meals relatively healthy. Todays toddler dinner: A greggs sausageroll with a side of cucumber to ease the mum guilt 🤦🏻‍♀️


39+2 👶🏻

Anyone else’s baby still not engaged?? If not what have they suggested or if they never engaged, what did they do?? 🤍



Is anyone else’s head absolutely scrambled over weaning? My LB is coming up 6 months and I don’t know where to start or what to do! I feel like I’m over complicating things 🙃 Any tips and tricks are welcome 🫶🏼


When do you start buying stuff?

Second pregnancy with my first I started buying baby bits around 5/6 months!! And even with this I’m thinking around 6/7months i will start to buy stuff. No idea why! But I just get anxious buying stuff earlier on! Hate thinking this way!


Baby number 2

Just found out I’m pregnant with baby number 2! My little girl has just turned 13 months. I’m excited but very nervous to have 2u2 for a short while. I can’t believe I’m going to be doing it all over again 🤣🥺🥰 My husband said aw we have 9 months of just being a 3 and for some reason it made me feel really sad for…


Hello 3rd trimester!!

28 weeks and 1 day ❤️ we are so anxious for baby’s arrival


Prepare for second HG pregnancy.

I am wanting to get pregnant again in about a year and wondering if there is anything people did to prepare for an HG pregnancy. I know it is incredibly common to have HG the second time around too and I am absolutely terrified. Wondering if there is any extra supplementation you did or tips to make it not as bad.


Anyone else keeping their pregnancy secret?

How are you keeping it secret? I am 20 weeks and hiding my pregnancy from family and friends with loose clothing. I already have a toddler, this is my second pregnancy.


15 weeks with my second

15 weeks with my second, feeling so humongous😂



When are we starting to view nursery’s ladies?! Makes me so sad that I think I already need to start looking he’s only 9 weeks old :( but with the free hours apparently I’ve heard people viewing them before they even give birth because of waiting lists! Does this make anyone else really sad or just me hahaha I don’t...



Anyone else literally sitting with their baby and thinking of having another already 😅 if you're one/two and done did you actually feel done or just decide to be. My third is 2 months old and I just don't feel done.


Baby Number 3

Hey, I’m pregnant for the third time ✨ and I feel absolutely enormous already at 5 weeks - I don’t know how im going to hide it! Anybody else?


Took yesterday evening

Everyone is telling me I'm pregnant!!!!


time left in pregnancy

is anyone else struggling with how soon but how far they are from having their babies? i'm so excited but it feels so far, but some days it feels so close? i can't describe it so hoping someone will understand what im saying haha! sometimes i realise wow it's so close and it's barely anytime left but also sometimes...


Is it just me or…😂😂

Is it just me or did anyone else want another baby after having their LO? My LO is 1 month and I think within the next year and a half I want to have another baby😩 but 2 under 2 seems like a lot and I believe at least a 2.5-3 year age gap is good. Within 2-3 years I want to move out of state and into a bigger…


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