Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy.
Since going into my third trimester, I’m having really bad rib pain. It’s a sharp pain and is really bad during the night. Has anyone else experienced it and anything that has helped? I’m taking paracetamol but I’m starting to become concerned with how often I am having it to relieve some of the pain
I have a private scan tomorrow at 6 weeks 2 days I’m so nervous for it after 2 losses I just want to see that little bean on screen 😫 Sometimes I don’t feel pregnant at all, the only symptom I really have is sore boobs, bloating and I’m super tired every so often! Send positive vibes our way for baby #2 🤞🏻❤️
Hey! Had my 20 week scan this week and was told I have a low lying placenta and if it doesn’t budge by my 32 week scan then I will need a scheduled c section! Has anybody else had this at all? My anxiety has been pretty high as I really wasn’t expecting talk of a c section at this point. Thanks in advance ❤️
The baby has been super active this morning and up until now I started feeling period like cramps. Makes me worried some, I keep running to the bathroom to make sure I'm not bleeding.
Im 38 weeks and I have had alot of what I was thinking was discharge or urine leaking for the last day(ish) more than usual! It’s also mainly when I stand up or cough etc whereas if I need a wee I can hold it fine! It’s also light in colour, like a yellowish! I have had more pressure/pains/tightness but nothing majo...
Hi everyone I have a girl called Indie and now pregnant with a boy. Wanting names that would go well with Indie pleaseeeee
She’s been like this since birth. Literally never sits still unless she’s fast asleep. Should I be worried? She does have severe allergies and silent reflux but this is all the time, not due to her tummy problems.
I had a third degree tear with my first and am due with my second in 7 weeks. Just wondering how second birth went for people after a bad tear? Also please comment experiences - I am due to have an elective C-section but am still back and forth about what I really want to do
My cesarean was an emergency but I still feel like Ive been judged by people
We had our 20 week scan last week and they’ve only been able to find one kidney. A second sonographer had a quick Look (because we didn’t get photos) and also couldn’t see it. We were reassured that children can live with one kidney and the functioning kidney grows larger to compensate for the missing kidney….althou...
Is anyone else struggling with round ligament pain? I can’t sit, stand or walk for more than 20 minutes without it hurting on my right side, it starts off as a stitch and then gets really painful. I also get a a really heaviness in my stomach the longer I’m upright. I’m doing Pilates/yoga/swimming and have seen two ...
How long did it take for your c-section wound/muscle to heal ect? I’m nearly 4 months PP. I fully breast feed my little girl. Today I have had some bleeding and some tenderness and sharpe twinges around my c-section area.
My HCG at 4w3d was only 191. I can’t go again till Monday, when it’ll have been 72 hours. Is 191 too low? I’m honestly terrified; this is my first pregnancy after 9 cycles trying!
I don't want to have a party and it's such a rubbish time of year for outdoor activities but he's obsessed with vehicles so really wanted some kind of bus/train/tractor ride. Can anyone inspire me please?!! Really struggling. So many places have closed for winter or are doing Christmas themed events which I'd rather...
Has anyone ever had an impacted wisdom tooth during pregnancy ?? Omg I’m in so much pain rn . It’s half way into my back molar and started a couple days ago . My whole jaw is hurting . I’m 12 weeks pregnant and I’m just in so much pain . My Medicaid dental place doesn’t accept the plan no more so I have to pay out o...
Does anyone else get irrationally mad at male doctors? Even when they’re trying to be helpful. I had to go to the emergency room. Any chance you could be pregnant? No. When was your last menstrual cycle? Currently. Actually ma’am you can be pregnant and still have a menstrual cycle. Yes, I’m quite aware I’ve had fo...
Hey so I’m having growth scans because of my BMI being too high for the normal tape measurement. But I’m seeing all these other December mums having their babies and sharing their growth scans and saying they may have to be induced. Just wondering, how do you know? I don’t even understand the percentiles either. ...
My baby is breathing heavily like she has a blocked nose and she is only 3 months old. Should I see a doctor or try some nose drops? Video of the sound attached.
I’m day 4 after having a cervical stitch, I don’t have cervix pain and the bleeding has stopped. But my tummy feels heavy and tender if I press, more so on the left side. I wouldn’t say I have period type cramps I just feel weird and have had on n off today a sharp pain on the left side. Did anyone experience any...
Hey, this maybe a bit random but for the past couple of days I have felt really odd (currently 38wks +3) I am probably making no sense but I just feel highly irritable, exhausted, body aching all over and yesterday I binged so bad on a ridiculous genuinely ridiculous amount of food. I feel so off kilter in my body a...