Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy.
Hi Everyone I'm just wondering if anyone here is in the same position as me, as I think it would help having someone to talk to. I had an anembryonic pregnancy in March, followed by another missed miscarriage at the start of October - we'd actually seen the heartbeat, but sadly our baby stopped progressing not l...
This started yesterday, my daughter has lately only had like 1-2 wet diapers for the whole day even at night I still give her a new one . And I toke her to the doctors to make sure nothing was wrong but the doctor told me being that she’s almost 1 that she can have 1 or 2 for the day but no less than 1 or 0 but I’m ...
These are some of the ideas we have, vote for your favourite and help a girl out! Our other boys are named Jax and Payton.
I was just wondering, can I choose to have an induction on my due date? Or do they not allow it until you reach 41 weeks? I am due on 11 January. If she came early it would be fine, but I feel like I don’t want her to come late. It’s my birthday on the day I’m 41 weeks and I have said if I was offered an induction ...
Anyone else managed to over do it? I think I’ve managed to get 2 hernias🙃. Any experience on how this is dealt with and if it impacts future babies 🥺🥴
Hi guys, I’m 10w1 today and have had a few privates scans to get me through (I have had many early losses pre 5/6 weeks before so am a nervous gal). I’ve had three scans so far, an NHS one at 6 weeks, then privates ones at 8 weeks and 9w4. My 12 week scan is a little over my 12 week mark at 12w4 so that’s 3 weeks...
My midwife told me not to do the ‘10 kicks in 2 hours’ so how long before we start to worry?
This may be a stupid question… Im getting induced tonight and was wondering with the script was with partners being sent home? I was told if i end up with the pessary gel then id need to be admitted as it gets done every so many hours which is fine, but do they send your partner during this time or can they stay w...
I know it’s still early but I don’t feel pregnant I’ve not got many symptoms and it’s worrying me I keep comparing how I was the first time round to now! I’m 4 weeks 4 days
When will it be my turn 🥲 (38+3)
Just curious really, a school mum is having a trampoline party at a venue that is 40m drive away
I recently started seeing a new OB, she just informed me that the clinic I’m going to doesn’t do deliveries at Katz women hospital only at forest hill and that I would have to find a new OB if I want to deliver at Katz For those of you who have deliver at either of these two hospitals which one would you recommend...
Help! My husband and I are all over the place with boy names and just need some help. We don't LOVE any of them. We have a daughter named Charlotte but don't necessarily need a traditional name for baby boy. Our style is all over the place so any and all name suggestions are welcomed. My husband's only request is th...
I will be having an induction starting Wednesday (27th) so my guess is babygirl will be born sometime that evening or early next day Thanksgiving! Reason being elective induction due to scheduling we have at home would complicate things a lot more if we waited until she was naturally ready. Only a couple days from 4...
I’m wanting to book in an early scan to try and limit my worries. I am 6 weeks today and was wondering when you all felt was best to have one? Also, I’m assuming it will be transvaginal, does it hurt? How long does it take?
This is my first baby and my abdomen has been so sore for the last week or so. Whether I’m exercising or not everyday towards the end of the day my muscles are so sore that I can barely lift my feet to put underwear or pants on. Anyone else experience this?
What to expect on first scan and when has everyone booked there’s for?? I’m 6 weeks today 🤰🏽
Has anyone has their 6 week pp check up yet? I have mine in a couple days and I have no idea what to expect
Has anyone had a spontaneous labour with baby no2 after being induced with their first? I was induced with my first baby on my due date and I had a great experience. This time I do not have any complications so it doesn’t look like I’ll be induced! Kind of excited that it will be different this time! Anyone simi...
Gender scan today il find out at 5pm what we thinking so far?