Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.
So I have a high cervix at 39 weeks plus 1 , does this mean I’m far away from Labour 🥲
I'm 38 + 5 and haven't packed my hospital bag yet. This is my second baby and I just can't get the motivation to do it. What kind of bags are you all bringing and what have you got in them? Hoping I might get some inspiration to start the packing!
I’m cramping but it just feel like I need to use the bathroom but I cant or don’t need to go.. is this contractions or am I just constipated 😂🥲 (FTM 38+3)
When can you wear a postpartum belly band to support your core after your elective c section surgery
Hi Quick question will they go ahead with your planned c section if you have a cold? Thank you
Has anyone started leaking colostrum yet? I can’t remember it being this early last time🤣
Doesn’t seem to say when in the description. Any advice welcome. Thanks
Who has all the bags ready ?! I just ordered my hospital and postpartum stuff last minute But have all the stuff for the baby ready 😂 I figured the more I drag to do it the faster time will fly by but I got lazy and didn’t want to walk the store to find my stuff so I just ordered everything off Amazon
I am 40 weeks today and keep having bloody show when I go to the bathroom. But I know it varies so just wondering other mamas stories? 🥰
Why is all I see getting posted that everyone is getting inductions scheduled or trying to get their babies out early? What happened to having babies when they’re ready?? 😩
Did anyone else lose their mucus plug in tiny bits here and there? When I wipe I have a small amount of jelly like discharge, but it’s so small each time it very well could be just discharge, I feel like the closer to my due date I get the more I think EVERYTHING is a sign 😂😅
Has anyone had these c section date pulled forward due to gestional diabities. I'm currently on metaformin and the lady has suggested pulling my date forward. Got a consultant appointment on Wednesday so presume they will talk about this then? Currently booked for 39 and 3 xxx
Our little guy is finally here, 7lb 11oz of pure joy. 18 hours of labour and an emergency section, couldn’t have been further from my birth preferences but my god he was worth every second. Just want to say, whilst my birth didn’t go as hoped, the team at Warwickshire Hospital were INCREDIBLE! Every single person ...
Has anyone had sex post c section? I am 7 weeks PP and tried last night but this was so so painful! I’m shocked as I didn’t think having a c section would mean painful sex? I’m scared there is some damage or something?!
Just found out that I’m pregnant again, had a C-section 6 months ago which seems to have healed really well I’ve had no issues. Anyone else got pregnant this soon? Did you have to have any extra monitoring? (ENGLAND/UK ONLY)
I'm feeling a lot of pressure I'm my butt any suggestions on what to do? Baby is head down and I do have a planned c section in 9 days but all I feel is hip pain and pressure. I have been losing my mucus plug here and there.
Has anyone else experienced this? I had 2 pretty painful contractions after having an orgasm… I’m 26/27w
I’m getting a c-section and am absolutely terrified of needles😂.. people keep telling me that it’s scary and all these horrible stories of things going wrong with an epidural? I know it’s risky anyway as it’s to do with your spine! Please any advice or positive stories please!!!!🤍
I have my C Section in several weeks. I have been told to bring either a dressing gown or a long Cardigan. What is everyone taking?
I have been admitted into the hospital, babies boys are trying to come early. Currently 4 cm dilated and been having contractions/losing plug since Tuesday. Thought they were just Braxton hicks. Also today is my birthday! Think a kind thought for us that they are able to keep these babies cooking, will be in hospita...