Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.
Just found out that I’m pregnant again, had a C-section 6 months ago which seems to have healed really well I’ve had no issues. Anyone else got pregnant this soon? Did you have to have any extra monitoring? (ENGLAND/UK ONLY)
I'm feeling a lot of pressure I'm my butt any suggestions on what to do? Baby is head down and I do have a planned c section in 9 days but all I feel is hip pain and pressure. I have been losing my mucus plug here and there.
Has anyone else experienced this? I had 2 pretty painful contractions after having an orgasm… I’m 26/27w
I’m getting a c-section and am absolutely terrified of needles😂.. people keep telling me that it’s scary and all these horrible stories of things going wrong with an epidural? I know it’s risky anyway as it’s to do with your spine! Please any advice or positive stories please!!!!🤍
I have my C Section in several weeks. I have been told to bring either a dressing gown or a long Cardigan. What is everyone taking?
I have been admitted into the hospital, babies boys are trying to come early. Currently 4 cm dilated and been having contractions/losing plug since Tuesday. Thought they were just Braxton hicks. Also today is my birthday! Think a kind thought for us that they are able to keep these babies cooking, will be in hospita...
For those that have had a c section already could you please share your experience after. Did you struggle with being able to look after your little one? How long would you say recovery took?
I got induced at 1.20pm with the pessary none stop agonising contractions 5 mins apart and they will only take it out 24 hours after it’s been in which they won’t know how dilatied Iam till then any positive experiences with this had it in around 12 hours and can’t even walk go the toilet or lie down they’ve told me...
I am 5 months postpartum. I still have a lot of discharge. It’s clear and doesn’t stink or anything but it’s just a lot more than what i had before giving birth. Is this normal? I have to wear pantyliners all day and i have to keep changing them at-least 5 times a day because it gets really wet.
Section Mamas - has anyone had a bath yet? I’d love one but I’m not sure if I should yet, I’m 4 weeks pp. My lovely friend has offered a few hours tomoro to come watch over my boy whilst I do chores, shower or nap etc, but part of me feels desperate for a bath. I also haven’t had the time to look at my scar (I’ve no...
Can the mat grant 500 be given for second pregnancy if you had it for first?
I’m 6 month PP and I’m recovering from a c section I’m now 8 weeks pregnant there will be 13month between the baby’s my first was an emergency c section do I have to “go natural” or can I have an elective c section as I’m so scared from the trauma of birth and want to cut out the middle man and go straight for a c s...
Hi! I'm 32 weeks with my first, when should I pack my hospital bag? Have you done it yet, or when did you pack yours?
Hey! I’m expecting my second soon and I’m thinking the doctors are going to recommend a c section this time due to having shoulder dystocia with my first. I’ll do whatever is recommended for a healthy baby but I really want to breastfeed. I had a great breastfeeding relationship with my first and I want that for my ...
Can you schedule an induction or does the doctor/ midwife have to do it for medical only
hey, just found out today that baby will be coming by c section in two weeks time… the only thing i’m kinda worried about is having to get an epidural as the thought of not feeling half of my body is freaking me out and i’m pretty sure i’m going to have a panic attack as they give me it… any tips for recovery and ho...
Has anyone used this and what are your thoughts on it ? Nearly 8 weeks PP and incision is fully closed and scar has formed. I just want to start using something to massage the scar with and this is the top product that comes up on the internet.
I think I lost my mucus plug and I’m still leaking. I’m 38 weeks and 1 cm dilated last time I checked.
Hey everyone, can I have some positive experiences from inductions please? I’m not due till February, I’m consultant-led and my obstetrician said there’s no reason I wouldn’t be able to be induced at 39 weeks as I expressed concerns that I didn’t want to go over my due date. I’ve heard plenty of the bad induction st...
For those of you who have had a c section with a toddler (20 months) at home how did you find recovery. Any top tips on what to expect. Or any mummas who had a c section even without other little ones at home. Best things for recovery?