Induction stories (ideally positive)

Hey everyone, can I have some positive experiences from inductions please? I’m not due till February, I’m consultant-led and my obstetrician said there’s no reason I wouldn’t be able to be induced at 39 weeks as I expressed concerns that I didn’t want to go over my due date. I’ve heard plenty of the bad induction stories, but has anyone got some positive ones that they’d be happy to share?
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After reading a lot about it, I waited for my baby to make his way out. Because there were no signs of labor, I planned to have a C-section exactly at 42 weeks, which is the maximum they allow to keep the baby in. Contractions started a day before, but I opted for a C-section even though they advised me to go through labor naturally. I had a feeling that he would weigh more than usual, and I was right—he was 4.2 kg. Even the doctors were happy that I decided a C-section. I think the majority of cases of induction end up as emergency C-sections, which are worse than planned ones. So, my advice to everyone is to wait for the baby, they come out prepared and calm. I have now a happy baby who chose to come out when he wanted. They do a lot of inductions lately because they like to plan the number of births per day.

So I have been scheduled for an elective induction but a couple days prior to that I ended up having a placental abruption so I had to be induced then and it went so smoothly and I was very surprised. They started pitocin around 7:00 a.m. and I started pushing around 5:30 pm. I got the epidural and honestly I didn't feel a single contraction and i didn't feel any pain while pushing. I even peed and pooped same night and I was completely fine pain free. The nurses were extremely nice and they kept bringing me different things to try to keep my mind off the pressure because you feel like you're going to poop yourself during contractions. I honestly had a very very smooth and easy experience.

I had an amazing 39 week induction. It was 13 hours from start of pitocin to delivery which is saying something because I wasn’t dilated at all lol I will say induction was a lot more painful than my naturally occurring labour but it was still manageable

I had GD during my pregnancy so my care team opted for a 39 week induction. I went into the hospital the day I was 39 weeks and they inserted a balloon catheter around 5:30pm and my husband and I went home with an appointment to come back at 9am the next day to have it removed and my waters broken. The balloon came out on its own around 11pm and we went back to the hospital, the OB on call broke my waters just after 1am and commenced pitocin. It took around 3-4 hours for my labour to properly start, after that my labour was only 6.5 hours long. I did opt for an epidural as the pitocin was turned up quite high and I was getting little to no breaks between contractions, if this happens please tell your midwife so they can turn it down. After a little over 5 hours I was fully dilated and effaced and I pushed for 39 minutes to deliver my little girl. (If you do opt for an epidural you may need to be directed on when to push as you may not be able to feel when to yourself). Good luck!

My induction wasn’t a horrible experience. It did take forever though. After 24 hrs I was still only 5cm, and that’s when they broke my water. Labor really kicked in after that. I fully dialated and pushed for 2hrs. Baby wasn’t moving down (not the fault of the induction, he was too big). Went in for c-section. He was finally born after about 36 hrs I think. Worst part was how long it took and my epidural failed. Had to have it reset 😒

I had such a wonderful experience. I had been set on a natural birth. I didn't want any interventions, so I went to get acupuncture twice to be induced naturally (I was 4 days past due). My water broke that night but I still wasn't dilated even after several hours of contractions. I refused any meds so I went another 12 hours completely unmedicated at hospital. After 12 hrs, they said I'm only 2 cm dilated. At this point I was going to risk the baby getting an infection if I didn't take the meds to induce (dilate) because you have 24 hours to have the baby from the time your water breaks to avoid infection. I trusted my doctor. He gave a high dose of Pitocin. I dilated every hour over the next 11 hours. I was in labor for a total of 23 hrs and honestly the Pitocin is what saved me. I had no side effects from the meds and the baby did great too. I was up and around walking an hour after labor and I pushed the baby out in 30 minutes. Medical interventions save lives.

Yes!! I was scared too but it was great!! Here’s how it happened ☺️ 38+4 gel at 9pm was 1cm. 2am was at 2cm. 9am broke waters. 11am induction IV drip. 1pm still at 2cm. 3:30pm 6-7cm. 3:45pm 10cm and pushing!! 3:56pm baby born! This was my 3rd and my first full induction and was my best labour for sure!!! Wish I had done it for my others. Hope it goes well for you too! GLx

I was induced at 41 weeks. It was slow and but I had a good experience. They started with pitocin which did nothing for 12 hours, they broke my waters which allowed for dilation. I got the epidural a few hours after they broke my waters. Baby came several hours later, took 3.5 hours of pushing

I was induced due preclampsia 40+3 no issues with induction, labour was 3.5h start to finish had complications but due to preclampsia not induction.

My induction was overall fine I didn’t up my pitocin much because I felt I was fine and the baby came not long after I would say best to not do a lot of fentanyl if u choose too and I really hope you get a great doctor mine was not too great she was the main problem and the fentanyl for my birthing experience. Other then that you got this momma

@Emma with respect the poster asked for positive induction stories? Not to be told she shouldn’t have one. I’m glad you had such a great experience but every mother should be able to make their own decision. I had a really positive induction experience. I was induced early due to reduced movements and having gestational diabetes. I had to gel insertions at 12pm and 6pm, contractions started at 9pm and I gave birth at just after 3am with gas and air. It was painful but nothing our bodies can’t handle. All I would say is if you need pain relief don’t be brave and just ask early. Had my labour not progressed quickly the last hour I might have asked for further pain relief but I was too far gone at that point. Movement is key, I walked around the hospital a lot and was on the ball and I’m convinced it got me going faster.

I had an induction on my due date! I absolutely loved it. I had the pessary fitted at 3am (there wasn’t a bed until 11pm and they settled me in and did observations first) and my girl was born 14 hours later. Inbetween me and my husband just slept and chilled out. It was so calm and we found the whole induction process a dream. I only had gas and air as I just didn’t have chance for the epidural, it really went from nothing to everything in minutes. I pushed for 9 minutes, which is wild but I’m very grateful!!! I was out the next day too x

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