Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Scans.
Went for a gender scan today and it’s confirmed we are having a baby boy which is what I thought💙🩵
I have an anterior placenta aswell not sure if that makes a difference :)
Hi ladies, I’m having an early scan next weekend and Ill be 7w 6d according to my calculations! The place i’m going to only does external scans, will I still be able to see and hear a heartbeat and see baby? X
I have my 12 week scan coming up in the next few days and I am so nervous! I am not sure why as I had a scan when I was at 10 + 1 and everything was fine with baby. This is my first pregnancy and I keep seeing posts about miscarriage or missed miscarriages and one of my friends who was pregnant with me also had a ...
I was diagnosed with a marginal placenta previa at 23 weeks and went back for another abdominal ultrasound yesterday at 27 weeks. They found a hematoma on my placenta and sent me to labor and delivery for steroid shots. I’ll be going back today for the second round of shots and another ultrasound to check if the hem...
My apps say 6 weeks today but sonographer said around 5 weeks… what does everyone think? We saw a very faint heartbeat. And if this was the ramsey theory is this classed as girl or boy??!
We had our 20 week scan today and I told them I didn't want to know the sex. I thought they would tell us to look away when they looked but I am so certain I cought the between the legs shot and saw a willy. (This is my second and the first was boy so I know what it looks like) My partner asked her at the end of she...
Went for scan yesterday they said there thinks it’s a girl but can’t be certain as baby wouldn’t move but baby is fine they said she is weighting at 12oz already what are your thoughts
Can anyone recommend the best place to get a reassurance scan please? South Derbyshire area 😊 Not fussed about super cheap, just want a nice experience!
Had our 20 week scan and all of babies measurements are within the normal range which is great. But her head is measuring small on the healthy range. Has anyone else had this? They have told me not to worry as all is fine. But I just wanted to know if anyone else has had smaller head measurements? Naturally I am wor...
Has anyone had a fetal echo before? I have an Underlying heart condition that I was born with (atrial septal defect (now closed) and current pulmonary stenosis) so knew they were referring me to a consultant. They’ve already told me I’m high risk risk due to this. Just wondering what to expect or if anyone has had t...
Hi all, I’m from north east England. A little town in County Durham. I’m wanting to book a private gender scan, one that will allow our little boy to come with us (he’s 3). Anybody know where allows that, I’ve looked at window to womb but couldn’t find anything on the website to say if I would be allowed to brin...
Hi all! I’m having growth scans due to my bmi being higher, and anticipation of a bigger baby. At 26+5 we were on the 50th centile, now at 32 weeks dropped off to 9th centile & talk of induction and C Section at 39 or 37 weeks, depending how things go! Anyone else experienced this or have any advice?
Just had my 36 week scan and the baby has dropped from the 79th percentile to the 29th. They said everything else was perfect but when I had the 32 week scan he was measuring a little big big now measuring a little small. They consulted the consultant on at the time and they weren’t majorly concerned as they did men...
Hi lovely ladies, Im a bit confused. The first day of my last period was 6th of december, which makes me 6 weeks and 2 days. I went to get a early pregnancy scan, and they told me im just over 4 weeks hence why they cant see anything other than the sac and yolk forming. They said everything seems fine and that i sho...
I want to know if the details on my baby’s face will be like the picture.
Hey everyone I have my first scan and appointment on 28th Jan, I'll be 12+3 at that time, I was wondering what things I should bring up at my appointment? I don't know any of my family history so when it comes to that portion of the appointment I have no idea what to say, any help would be appreciated
I had my midwife appointment today at 35+5, bump measurement was lower than expected and on the chart looked like percentile has dropped. She booked me in for a scan and I have an “urgent scan” booked for this evening. I am getting worried, anyone gone through anything similar?
Any guesses? 15+3 when the scan was done. I was told I won’t find out the gender for another couple of weeks till my 20 wk scan. However, I think I saw a little something and the sonogropher kept referring to the baby as a he. Am I reading too much into this?! 😂
Yall I had my first ultrasound and this is what it looks like. The doctor said it’s just one baby. But it’s doesn’t look like it. Twins in on both side of the family. And I sent it to my aunt who has twins and she even said look like twins. And I’ve been took my belly looks to big for 7 weeks.