Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Scans.
How much did ur baby weight show? Mine was 333g.. wondering if baby is underweight or not
This pregnancy is completely different from my first. My first I didn't throw up or lose weight. And my concern is that she isn't going to be measuring properly for my ultrasound on the 27th. I'll be a little over 21 weeks then. I lost almost 20 in a little over a month and I have only gained 5 pounds of that back. ...
So, I’m currently 33 plus 5 with my first baby. Baby is due the 31st Jan. At my last midwife appointment I was sent for a growth scan, as he’d dropped from the 97the centile to the 57th. The scan went fine, and he was measuring on the 97th centile after all. I’ve had my 34 week midwife appointment today, and curren...
I have my 12 week scan tomorrow and just wondering what to expect. I know I have to have a full bladder but is there anything else anyone would recommend doing? I’m assuming my partner can come with me in the room? How much are scan photos and is there a limit on how many you can get?
My scan from 12+4 just wondering if anyone has any gender ideas, having a gender reveal once I’ve had gender scan but I can’t help but wonder if im having another boy or girl 😅 got 2 girls and 1 boy for context
Has anyone been told or had experience in a previous pregnancy of measuring big on the bump measurement? Were you sent for a growth scan?
I’m pregnant with my second but I’m really struggling with the appointments they are giving me as I already have a son and it’s so hard getting childcare plus I work 😩 I understand why he can’t come to my ultrasound scans (I have to have more because of medication I take) so I’ve got 5 scans in the next 5 months…
I have my 12 week scan today, do I need to have a full bladder for this one? I have a 2 year old and can't remember a thing from pregnancy already 😂🙈
I have my scan next week to find out so thought it would be fun
Cause I was having contractions and I was only 17 weeks and 3 days. Well they wound up telling me they were just Braxton hicks and everything looked good. THANK THE GOOD LORD!! But when they were doing the ultrasound they said WHOA THATS DEFINITELY A BOY! Lmao 🤣 my boy is blessed hahaha! They also said he was…
I'm pregnant with my first (planned) child & am so happy & a rollercoaster of emotions.. My first ultrasound is next Monday & I'm so freaking nervous.. I have to wake up at 5 in the morning to get their on time (live out in the woods & it's snowing), so that stinks, It's the transvaginal ultrasound, & I'm freaking n...
Have my gender scan soon but far too excited! Can anyone tell me their opinion/guess on whether my baby would be a boy or girl based on the 12 week scan?
How far along were you when you received your ultrasound letter? The waiting is killing me!
Ladies I feel really defeated 😞 I had my 12 month scan today, and although we got good news the scan didn’t go as we had hoped, and after 3 hours at the appointment you knew the team just wanted to go home. We didn’t get a chance to ask any questions, nothing was explained to us and it wasn’t until we were driving…
Fundal height measurement is not consistent so I’ve been referred for a growth scan - but I’ve been measured by different midwives and one of them didn’t put measurements between 28-34 weeks onto badger notes which is annoying! Anyone had a growth scan at 37 weeks showing a slightly small baby that could tell me wh...
Hi ladies, just curious those who have had growth scans around the 28wk mark what was the estimated weight of your baby? My consultant commented that I definitely won't be having a large baby (big relief) but not concerned about the current weight. Baby is weighing about 2lb 5oz currently!
Hi ladies This post might provide some reassurance or reduce panic to anyone worried about size. At my 36 week midwife appointment I measured in the 3rd percentile of the fundal height measurement, with no growth from the week 34 measurement. Got referred for a growth scan and the baby is estimated at 3.2kg (7...
We have our gender scan tomorrow but I can’t wait!!! 😝 Any guesses on the gender based on our 12 week scan? 😝
I have a guess but what do you think! 💙💓
Hey we just had our 2 year appointment and they told us how tall he might be when he’s an adult at 5” 10! Did anyone else find this out?