Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Symptoms

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Symptoms.

Night terrors?

Does anyone have any experience with night terrors? My little one seems to suddenly have what I think might be night terrors- she wakes up, walks to the door in her room & starts screaming. Usually if she wakes up she shouts for “daddy” & he can instantly calm her down, now she’s inconsolable for at least 15 minutes...


Extreme fatigue

Anyone else just feel exhausted 24/7? I’ve got a toddler too but I just feel like my tiredness is a bit extreme for 4 weeks 😅 feel like I could sleep all day if left to it, definitely didn’t feel like this the first time



Any 8month still blowing raspberries constantly?


More sweep questions!

How much bleeding is normal after a sweep? How are you to know if it’s “spotting” “bloody show” or actual “bleeding”? I’m sure I’m overthinking it, but first time mum and starting to worry!


Heart burn 😫😫

Anyone else suffering heart burn all day every day? What remedies have helped ?


Can’t sleep

Anyone up, i can’t sleep 🙃


36week 5 days

Pressure down there is so strong and heartburn and sickness is driving me mad anybody else


i haven’t been to work in 3 months.. this sickness is going to k*ll me off🥲

i’m almost 14 weeks & cannot leave the house without vomiting. i am so TIRED


Not Contractions but Cramps?

Hi ladies, just trying to understand if this is normal... So I seem to have cramps similar to what we had when our bellies were growing - round ligament pains, mixed with period pain & lightening crotch whenever I'm up and moving but once I'm sat or back to bed lying down, they die down pretty quickly...It almost fe...


Did zofran stop working for you after a while?

I’ve been taking it for a few weeks and I feel like it’s not helping anymore. I’m 11 weeks and I just feel constantly nauseous and like my stomach is unsettled even with the medication.


Postpartum 1 year

I had my 2nd daughter almost 1 year ago and I noticed after having her about 2 weeks in I got a really bad back pain on my middle right side I thought it was my due to the epidural because I had got it with my first daughter 8 years ago but it’s not in that area in the back at all. It’s about to me 1 whole year with...


Hungry and nauseous all the time😔

Hello ladies, Is anyone else feeling hungry and nauseous at the same time frequently? Honestly, I’m so over it. At the same time my appetite is so up and down, contradictory I know 😭. Please help if you have any advice or suggestions. Ty in advance 🙏🏾🫶🏾


Late night thoughts

Is anyone else dreading going back to work? I love my job but if I could afford to, I wouldn’t go back at all 😂 not due to go back til the end of April but I’m sad about it already, the thought of leaving Hudson for 8 hours a day makes me feel physically sick 😭 any words of advice? Or shared feelings? 😂


Vivid dreams

All I have is bad dreams. So vivid too every night for weeks…I’m so tired because they literally wake me up. I know it’s a common symptom but what do y’all do to help?! Idk


6 W 2 days pregnant

Hi everyone! This is my 5th pregnancy I’ve had 4 miscarriages. Unfortunately all landing me not having any earth side babies. I’ve had a ton of discharge after sex with my hubby, is this normal?? It was very thick jelly like kind of clear and pale yellow. I’m also experiencing all day nausea but I want to literall...


Are you afraid of the dark?

I am and idk why I’m like this. Like obviously I know nothings in there but I still got a night light just incase something decides to try me😂


Baby dropped!

My belly looks soo low today. I just noticed it today but my hips have really started to hurt as of last week! 33w6d today so 6 weeks left to go! Anyone else notice their belly drop?


Weird thoughts by Patience

It’s the apocalypse (zombie kind) and you got bit by a zombie on the lower part of your arm wwyd to try and survive? NO MEDICINE NO NUMBING ONLY A DIRTY MACHETE AND A DIRTY RAG ONLY OPTIONS BELOW (if you choose none you chose to die)


6 weeks and severe nausea

Help!!!! Does anyone else feel this awful at 6 weeks??? I’m literally eating dry crackers to survive


Nose bleeds

I am currently 12 weeks 4 days pregnant and I randomly got a nose bleed whilst laying down. I have never had a nosebleed. Has this happened to anyone or should I be worried? x


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