Community Posts, Tips & Support on Breastfeeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Breastfeeding.

Bad latch

Hi girls, My baby is 11 weeks old and we really struggled with latching at the beginning. It got better after a few weeks but recently my baby is getting so restless when feeding and she’s constantly pulling her head back with my nipple in her mouth causing a shallow and painful latch. I unlatch and reattach proper...


Milk until 1

I understand the guidance on milk until 1 being babies main source of nutrition and people saying not to worry too much about weaning until this point. But surely nothing changes over night when they suddenly become 1 and it’s important to prepare them for the change?


How often should I breastfeed?

My little boy is 15 weeks old and I am wondering how often others feed and what pattern do you follow eg. Wake, feed, play, sleep. I currently feed responsively and feel like we have no routine 😅


Breastfeeding advice

Hi guys Currently pregnant with no other children. Bit of a weird one but I’m wondering if anyone’s had experience breastfeeding with nipple scarring. I’ve previously had mine pierced but removed them a couple of years ago. They’ve left some scars so I can’t help worry this will stop me from breastfeeding. Kickin...


How much milk?

My lg is 10 weeks old, she weighs 9lbs and has 3 ounce every 3 hours usually. She has 6/7 bottles in 24 hours. We did up her but she threw a lot of it up, how much do your babies have? She’s crying a lot after a bottle like she wants more and not satisfied or sucks on her dummy like crazy and I’m just unsure!


Stopping breastfeeding

Has anyone successfully weaned off breastfeeding yet? Or really reduced? How did you do it? My little one breastfeeds 4x a day at the moment so hoping to reduce / replace the middle two atleast and just do morning and bedtime. He does also wake in the night still for feeds 🫠 He’s eating relatively well now and…


Boobie Baby

So, I breastfeed and also bottle feed . Sometimes my baby boy wants something to suck on and I have tried to give him a pacifier and he doesn’t want it but he will take my boob . Even if he’s not hungry . My mom says it’s the skin to skin . How are other moms dealing with a baby who isn’t on a pacifier ? Iv also tri...


Edibles and breastfeeding

I took a 15 mg delta 9 edible last night it was the first time I took an edible in 8 months. When I breast fed it was a very intense feeling and super relaxing. What was your first experience with edibles while breastfeeding? Was it uncomfortable? Did your baby act weird afterwards?


Nursery & milk

My son is due to start nursery two days after his first birthday. He will do two days a week. I’m planning to still be breastfeeding. What’s the best way to collect enough milk for him on days leading up to the first day of the week at nursery? Should I pump between feeds? I can pump while he’s there so the second d...


Expressing Colostrum

Hand expressing Colostrum I am 36 weeks and am trying to hand express colostrum. This morning I got 1ml. I think I ended up bruising my boob from squeezing too hard so obviously I am doing it wrong 😅 Any tips or tricks?



Is anyone else struggling with breastfeeding? I feel like she isn’t getting enough milk. I can sit there for an hour and she’s still hungry. I’m exhausted. drained and feel terrible if she still hungry :(


Transitioning from Breastfeeding to Formula

So I’ve made in 3 months of breastfeeding. That was my goal. My baby currently combo feeds. I would like to transition to just bottles, I don’t mind pumping right now but I keep going back and forth with stopping breastfeeding. Part of me feels like I need to keep going to bond with my baby and boost his immune syst...


Tips on successfully weaning off the boob!

I really want to end my journey with breastfeeding, I have loved every moment but it’s time, especially at night- I neeeeed sleep!! I know my daughter can do without the boob because I returned to work twice a week in October and she attends nursery for those two days and has no milk…and survives! So any tips or st...


Pumping for EBF baby - returning to work

I’m due to restart work in February. Our baby is 9months and has been exclusively boob fed since birth. I am planning on pumping to feed him for the hours at work. I have no idea how much milk I need to have ready each day. I’ll feed him in the morning and when I finish. How much are people pumping for a day?



Anybody else experiencing weird thoughts whilst breast feeding? I did with the first too and ended up stopping! I am pushing through with my second baby but my brain activity is weird whilst breast feeding. Anyone else experiencing weird things? (I’ve told the midwife, health visitor and they said it’s normal!)


Breastfeeding gets easier! 🤍

For those who formula feed, no judgement whatsoever -- this is just a post aimed at those who want to breastfeed. I promise that even if it feels hard at first with baby feeding a lot, any discomfort as boobs/nipples adjust etc., it does get a *hell* of a lot easier if you persevere and seek support from local BF gr...


Did breastfeeding change after teeth?

My nipples are getting that “white nuckle” feeling pinched and sore.


Issues with bottle

My baby is 3 and half month. I mainly breastfeed but she also used to take the bottle happily. Suddenly she is refusing to take the bottle.. anyone experienced this? Any tips?


Breast pump recommendations

Recommendations on a hands free breast pump please. I’m currently using a manual pump because the electric pump I have didn’t work very well and I feel like there wasn’t enough suction. I’m not getting much milk when I pump at the moment so I don’t want to spend stupid amounts of money when it might not work😢


Has anyone got their period back? I’m ebf, baby 10 weeks old and I feel like I have menstrual cramps.

What were the signs of yours has returned? Is it possible for it to come if I’m just breastfeeding?


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