Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.
How many times a day are you breastfeeding now that baby is eating more solids?
To all my bf mamas, how can I increase my milk supply ? My almost three month is now refusing the breast and I have to constantly distract her for her to take it and I’m overwhelmed. I pump but probably once a day or every other day and due to that I get 2-3 oz when I pump which is not enough so I can bottle feed he...
So I want to get a little tipsy or a little drunk. I have moscato and I’ve had one glass my first I’m 2 weeks PP if I drink tonight and don’t pump will it tank my supply for good?
What size diaper are you guys using? My 17 lbs is using size 2
Is anyone else struggling with their baby not gaining weight? Baby girl is 12 days old now and still not back at birth weight, in fact enough below still that we’ve been seen by the GP and if she doesn’t gain, will be seen at the hospital. At her 5 day check, she had lost 11.3% of her birth weight and their limi...
My baby is 14 weeks and we are still swaddling her to sleep. She is starting to roll onto her side so I know we need to transition to a sleep sack. Any advice on how to do this without totally disrupting her sleep? We use the Halo sleep swaddles now. Any good sleep sack recommendations?
Does anyone else’s 2 year old have constipation issues? I feel like my toddler is always constipated. He has a drs appointment in about 2 weeks to discuss it. He doesn’t eat a lot of veggies. But he’s a good eater other than that.
Has anyone used donor breast milk? I am interested in giving it a try but I am worried about regulations and safety. If I do purchase it, it will be through an official breast milk bank here in CA.
She’ll nap but only if she’s physically on me. The second I put her down she wakes up 😭
I totallyyyy forgot about the postpartum cramping and contractions (which if you didn’t know are what helps your uterus shrink back down so technically they’re a good thing 😂) But gosh I forgot how bad they can HURT when they hit! It’s like a period on steroids or even borderline labor contractions lol. 🥴 and I…
Baby is 7 days old and I am experiencing horrible baby blues. I love and care about my baby but I don’t really feel connected to her yet, I don’t even feel like I’m her mum. I feel like she is just a baby that I’m looking after. Is this normal for the baby blues? I also feel lonely and miss my partner - even though...
I am NOT judging you if you don’t, I’m sorry if this post is coming off that way. I 💨ed and have trouble wording things after that lol….
I don’t know what other way to put this… but I randomly see my 17 month old daughter humping a bear or pillow or her hands ? I don’t even know… What am I suppose to do? How do you stop this? Why is she doing this? Is this normal?
Comment the specific if you want to, and if wanna go even further tell us what you love! Or what you dislike about your least favorites
If you’ve thought about it, but aren’t yet, why not? It saves so much money!
I’ve been trying to breastfeed as much as possible since baby has been born and she latches and sucks but I don’t have consistent milk coming out so I end up supplementing with formula and she drinks 60-70ml. I know I don’t make that amount is there anything I can do to help my milk come quick? Thank you xxx
I have an all day work conference tomorrow and they are proving a place for me to pump but I have to bring my own storage for my milk. Any suggestions? I read ice packs over using bags of ice for keeping it cold but not sure what else.
Overwhelmed by trying to figure out how to get started, any help is appreciated 🙏
My baby has been waking up at night trying to break out of the swaddle. I was thinking maybe she wants to suck on her hands so a few nights ago I let her arms out of the sleep sack and the rest of the night there were still a bunch of wake ups. I have been swaddling since then and she still wakes up a couple times a...
My daughter is almost 8 months and starts shaking her head back and fourth randomly we went to our pediatrician yesterday. She was just doing it at night before bed for a few seconds but very happy while doing it now she’ll do it periodically throughout the day, but they said she was just trying to self serve hersel...