Community Posts, Tips & Support on Postpartum Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.

Is there anyone who suffers from bipolar disorder & have episodes that make you feel so shameful after?

I've been off my meds for a few months and have been having some really crazy outbursts. I've started up drama with so many people & I don't think I can come back from it. I was doing sooo good for years and relapsed back into drinking & non compliance with my meds. Now that I've come down from my mania, I feel terr...


Mum guilt x100

Is anyone else starting to feel extreme mum guilt with their first born. The fact that they have no idea that their world is about to change and they won’t have you to themselves anymore? Especially in that newborn phase! The hormones aren’t helping the case! Haha!


I was bullied and cohersed into an abortion at 4 months I wanted that baby so much but he did so much to destroy everything in my life. I can’t forgive myself I havnt left my house in 3 months and I barely eat or move . I’m 35 years old

All I wanted was a baby and he made sure I lost the house I was renting as he had his new gf move in, he contacted by job made scenes and got me fired, he spread rumours about me , he got others involved like his mother to bully me. He even tried bribing me. My mental health collapsed and now I can’t get through a d...



I had a ectopic pregnancy back in October, I feel like only now I properly grieving and processing it all, just thinking about how different this year would of been and the milestones we would of had like scans and things like that. Did anyone else feel this way a couple of months after? Just feel so lost and alone.


Crying when leaving

Does any of your 9 month babies still cry when you leave them. My baby is very attached to me but even still till now I cannot leave her with anyone for more than an hour without her crying. I have barely been out in 9 months which is fine but she starts nursery in 2 weeks and I am so nervous about how this transit...


Postpartum Joint Pain

I've noticed my knees hurt a lot more than they used to. I thought it might be me pushing too much with exercising but I feel like I am taking it slow. The internet says postpartum joint pain is something that can happen due to hormone changes. I'm curious to know if anyone else is experiencing any joint pain



Hey are there any moms out there still experiencing postpartum depression or depression in general? I’ve been struggling lately with my depression. I feel so guilty that I don’t have energy to get out of bed or play with my son. I’m basically taking on all of the responsibility by myself. I don’t have much help. So ...


Feeling down

Hey guys. I just wondered if I’m alone in this! I have prayed for this baby and after losses before my every thought has gone into getting pregnant again. Now I’m here (6 weeks) I’m anxious something is wrong, feeling sick 24/7 day and night and honestly just feeling really low! It’s probably because I’ve been una...


Post rage

I wanna see if I’m the only mom who yells at the top of my lungs when my baby non stop cries? I feel horrible after and I’ve never hurt her physically but I feel horrible for yelling but it’s like the only thing that keeps me from going fkn crazy. Someone please tell me I’m not the only one going crazy


Post birth

My baby is nearly a week old and I’ve started feeling the baby blues, but also been feeling less love to my partner and getting quite upset when he’s taking over with feeds and I’ll say do you want me to do a change or a feed and he tells me no, but feel bad making a big thing about it, most days I’m crying, I’m tel...



Advice for moving on from BD while currently pregnant after physically and mentally abusive relationship? How to keep him blocked without feeling the urge?


Toddler and newborn

My toddler is totally unrecognisable from the little girl we knew 😢😢 she’s struggling so so much, screams in the night, angry at us in the day, I’m heartbroken for her and I’m trying to do everything to help her but just feel like I’m failing and the mum guilt is something else - anyone had the same and are through…


Last pump…why do I feel so emotional?! :(

My baby boy is 5 months old and with my maternity leave ending next week I decided to stop BFing/pumping 😭 The actual thought of having to pump 3ish times at work, having to come home, pump, workout, make dinner, wash all my pump parts, still be a mom to 2 kids, do bedtime at 9ish, pump again, get enough sleep,…


Mum fear

I sometimes feel as though I’m failing my girl because I’m just so fearful of everything for her. She goes to the park but I never let her walk outdoors like when we’re day to day shopping and stuff. Even at the park I’m like literally running after her in fear she’ll fall over. The other day I saw a boy a week olde...


Mum guilt

Going away without my baby for a week when she’s 8 months old. Any tips please?


I hardly sleep cause of anxiety

It’s hard to talk about my anxiety because all anyone ever says is to see someone… like I know 😭 but sometimes i just wanna vent though 😭 like right now 😭 okay so I have major health anxiety when it comes to my kid and I have no idea why. I think part of it is because I feel like I don’t try my best when it comes…


Cry meaning help

Anyone able to help with what this cry could mean? We’ve been trying to feed, burp, changed him, etc and nothing seems to help. On and off today. Trouble feeding both bottle and breast.


We listen and we don’t judge

Ok mamas so all our babies are soon approaching 3 so idk bout yall but my babies getting into her tantrum throwing mean girl era and this is new because my daughter was always so sweet and kind I have veryyy little patience and I’m alll for the gentle parenting but it’s not working I don’t put my hands on her I don’...


How long did it take for you to feel back to a normal size after pregnancy ?

Worried about getting my body back and feeling good about myself


Healing from father of your child

Does anyone else get in there feels sometimes dropping their child off.. especially around holidays even if its just valentines day. It's been 4 months since I broke up with him i didn't want to but I had to


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