Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.
How long did you wait until you had sex after vaginal delivery?
It’s my birthday (I had almost forgotten about it and I’m only in my 20s) as a first time mama! and usually I make plans with my husband of what we will do for the day, sometimes we even plan holidays! Last year while pregnant I thought that this year I’d feel so fulfilled and complete with my baby- but I feel crap...
Hi guys, sometimes I find myself really frustrated and overwhelmed when my baby wakes up 8/9 times at night and I find myself shouting at him which I later feel absolutely horrible for. Sometimes it's not just the night it's the constant screaming and crying making me overwhelmed. I'm doing it all alone and it's rea...
Where do I go with skin problems and hair falling out..Is it GP? I do feel run down at the moment..not sure if it's stress..
My baby just fell from the sofa and smacked her head on the edge of our coffee table. I feel like an awful mother having let this happen without being more cautious. I literally turned around briefly and this happened. She cried for a good 5 mins after, seemed completely normal, had some milk and is now asleep in my...
When the f- does post-partum hair loss stop? I’m tired of seeing it everywhere. It’s all over my baby, the bed, our clothes, the floor. Even on my food. 😐
I’m 6 months postpartum and I still feel awful, exhausted, run down, nauseous, no energy and just under the weather all the time. I had some health complications that maybe I’m still recovering from, but I just want to know I’m not the only one who’s feeling like this? Or is everyone feeling great by now?
I just wanted to ask if anyone is suffering with postpartum anxiety and anything that helped them I’m finding everyday I’m feeling more and more anxious and constantly worrying
Is anyone still losing a lot of hair 8 months postpartum? What can I do to help stop or decrease? I’m still struggling with hair loss 8 months in, everytime I wash my hair I always end up throwing a massive ball of hair away and it doesn’t seem to decrease in amount. I’m at the point where I can see the short hair...
I have a 2.5yr old and a 3mo old…my baby is an absolute angel he’s so sweet and always smiling but my toddler I swear is trying to make me hate her I truly don’t understand why she keeps testing the limits the way she is. She doesn’t listen to me or her father for anything…I’m sure some of it is jealousy toward her ...
Anyone have past struggles where they just couldn’t be happy in the present always thinking “if this was this way or if that was that way” or “as soon as this stage is over,I’ll be ok” and then it passes and you’re still unhappy? I’ve felt a sudden realization that I’m this way and boy it’s upsetting. Anyone have ...
I am sure I was molested as a child (around 6/7 year old) by a female relative but I really can't remember the details. I have blocked the memory and as I have never opened up about it to family members cos I am not 100% sure. I am 33 now and having kids my heart hurts that such a thing happened to me so young. But ...
Anyone else been diagnosed with strep B? I’ve been full of worry as soon as we found out 2 weeks ago and I’ve not seen my midwife yet so not had a huge amount of reassurance. Please do not comment with horror stories as I’ve already heard them and really could do with something positive! Here’s my little bean kick...
Hello, This is my first post, and I’m a bit concerned about my relationship with my baby. I feel like she is frequently upset when she’s in my arms or that she just wants me when she needs to be fed. I don’t have (or at least I don’t think I have…) an emotional connection with her yet, but not because I don’t love...
Hey so I’m currently 5 weeks pregnant with baby number 2, my little boy is 17 months old and I am finding it so hard to cope with my anger, I feel so bad for my son I feel like im constantly shouting and always so upset all the time, I feel like such a terrible mum, when he cries I just shout and get more angry and ...
This is my third period and it’s really heavy. Will it eventually go back to normal in a few months ?
Can anyone please help with postpartum hair loss, my hair just seems to non stop come out! Any recommendations please😫💞
At what point should I check myself into the hospital/ER? I have been feeling quite helpless and hopeless. My marriage sucks. My son doesn’t really give me happiness as there is no major bond. I feel stressed, anxious and overwhelmed everyday. I hate life. My body hurts all the fckin time. I’m exhausted. Nothing...
I’m unsure if it’s just me and I hope what I’m feeling is normal but in the beginning when my baby was small and a new born I totally understood why everyone wanted to pass our baby around for a cuddle. He was small and cute and cuddly and although my hormones made me want my baby back I did it so everyone can get a...
My nearly 9 month old had a bumblebee back/head support on and she fell from a sitting position and smacked her head on the floor as they bumblebee slid to one side. She cried immediately, I can't feel any sort of lump, and she's really grouchy now crying a lot. Our nearest hospital with a child a&e is an hour away ...