Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.
Hey all :) My little man is 8 months old currently and I feel he’s been at this stage forever. I don’t want him to grow old but I feel I’m starting to lose sense of myself due to always worrying about him… this isn’t to say I shouldn’t or won’t worry about him as of course I’m his mum. But I wanted to know if any...
Would i be the asshole if i didn’t tell my family i had my baby when i have her i don’t necessarily want to have them around especially my “sister ” who thinks she’s going to be in the room with me and my partner im also currently mad at her because she’s sent unsolicited dr google medical advice and at the baby sho...
For those who gave birth already and did not use an epidural, what other method of pain relief did you utilize and how effective was it? For my first daughter, I used an epidural and had no issues. Thank God! I’m going in tonight and I wanted to explore other options for the second time. TIA.
Anyone elses MIL feel like she knows it all? My daughter was struggling to sleep last night and my fiancé and I needed a break so my MIL came over and we told her she was tired but my MIL proceeds to try to watch cartoons with my 3 month old and play with her 😐. My daughter started crying so much and when I said…
I believe hair loss is common after giving birth. Any advice on remedies?
My mum friend, being completely well-meaning, has said that my daughter is high maintenance and is disregulated a lot. It’s made me feel really down and like there’s something wrong with me/my daughter.
Helppp. I need advice. Has anyone else dealt with this or similar. I’ve been doing okay with my anxiety but for the past four days it has gotten so bad. I’m having heart palpitations alot, I’m always on the verge of a panic attack, I’m crying more often, I don’t even wanna go out. I can’t even take a shower because...
I’m 4 weeks postpartum today. Whenever I sit up without help, my incision area hurts like is very sore and uncomfortable. Even worse when holding my baby and I’m trying to sit up. Can anyone relate? When did this pain stop for you when you sat up? Also, is it normal for the incision to feel itchy? I can’t tell if it...
To anyone who suffers from depression or bipolar disorder, what changes to your mood did you experience after becoming a mum?
Hi girls, im in a really crap situation and wondering if anyone else has been in the same position. Basically I am 10 weeks pregnant. 4 years ago I have a missed miscarriage and this is my first pregnancy since. My best friend suffers with mental health problems and last night she took an overdose. I cannot deal wit...
Ive been through A LOT. I’m now in the most incredible phase of my life. Probably the peak as good as it will ever get. I’m loved, I have an amazing fiancé. Moneys not an issue. I have lovely friends, a nice home. A beautiful baby daughter. These are all things once upon a time I could only have wished for and I’ve ...
Is it just me or does anyone else find themselves really emotional and cries for everything. Kinda worried its postpartum depression
How can I cope with being abandoned by my family? It's been almost a year, I was the scapegoat of a narcissistic family dynamic, I was sexually molested as a child and my mother and sister told me at the time if I didn't want it it wouldn't have happened, there's a lot of trauma and after I became pregnant the same ...
Do you have any tips for dealing with hair loss? Are there any products or medications that have made a noticeable difference for you? Thanks 💕
I've been off my meds for a few months and have been having some really crazy outbursts. I've started up drama with so many people & I don't think I can come back from it. I was doing sooo good for years and relapsed back into drinking & non compliance with my meds. Now that I've come down from my mania, I feel terr...
Is anyone else starting to feel extreme mum guilt with their first born. The fact that they have no idea that their world is about to change and they won’t have you to themselves anymore? Especially in that newborn phase! The hormones aren’t helping the case! Haha!
All I wanted was a baby and he made sure I lost the house I was renting as he had his new gf move in, he contacted by job made scenes and got me fired, he spread rumours about me , he got others involved like his mother to bully me. He even tried bribing me. My mental health collapsed and now I can’t get through a d...
I had a ectopic pregnancy back in October, I feel like only now I properly grieving and processing it all, just thinking about how different this year would of been and the milestones we would of had like scans and things like that. Did anyone else feel this way a couple of months after? Just feel so lost and alone.
Does any of your 9 month babies still cry when you leave them. My baby is very attached to me but even still till now I cannot leave her with anyone for more than an hour without her crying. I have barely been out in 9 months which is fine but she starts nursery in 2 weeks and I am so nervous about how this transit...
I've noticed my knees hurt a lot more than they used to. I thought it might be me pushing too much with exercising but I feel like I am taking it slow. The internet says postpartum joint pain is something that can happen due to hormone changes. I'm curious to know if anyone else is experiencing any joint pain