Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.
I’m feeling like the worst mum ever. My dad helps me out a lot as I am overwhelmed with twin babies and my husband works a bunch. Today he dropped my son out of the chair they were sitting in. He is 7 months old, he only cried for a minute and I reassured my dad that accidents happen but I can’t shake the feeling of...
is anyone elses hair super dry postpartum? ugh its so hard to detangle and its soooo dry :/ its also falling out loll was not like this before pregnancy or during pregnancy
I can’t even begin to explain how horrible I feel as a mom right now. I lost my job and can’t afford to do anything for Christmas for my boys. I couldn’t have seen this coming so I didn’t even have time to sign up for Christmas help at all. Everyday I get closer to my kids waking up on Christmas morning to nothing a...
I love my mom but she literally stresses me out and sometimes I think it’s better to cut her off for my mental health but I also don’t want to do that because I want my babies to have a relationship with her and I also want to have it with her but she is soo annoying and always wants to be all up in my business so w...
I’m sorry for those that don’t wanna hear me vent but I need to vent somehow. This will be my last cycle trying after 5 long months my mental health can’t take it anymore. For 5 long months I have been tracking ovulation taking this and that to help and no luck and I feel like for my personal mental health it’s time...
My 12.5 year old Pomeranian was diagnosed with heart failure in May and was given 3-6 months maybe a year to live. We were given meds to keep her comfortable and to maintain her daily life. I was suppose to be due in September and had major anxiety she wouldn’t make it to the birth. She was my light and comfort dur...
So I was only 6 weeks pregnant. When we received the news that my husband’s grandfather is ill. So I decided to be the better person dropped everything in hand and traveled 5 hours with a newborn hoping this would cheer the grandfather. Now I never expected MIL rudeness could reach this level immediately when we wal...
Does anyone else have constant intrusive thoughts about dying and leaving your children behind? Just want to know if it’s normal or if I need to speak to someone 😂
I was holding my baby in my arms outside, when I accidentally tripped & we both fell, he cried so much:( Firstly, i feel so guilty. Secondly, for at least 1 hour he seemed traumatized- wasn’t himself. Kept tripping. Didn’t wanna play, or do anything & was expressionless. But after around an hour he seems back to his...
Anyone else’s little one going through separation anxiety again? I can’t even leave the room or her side without her getting really upset and she just wants to be in my arms. She went through a stage of being really independent then back to being super clingy again. Is this normal at this stage?
If so, how long did you wait till after baby?
Literally lost like half of my hair last time. It’s grown back but I’m so anxious to see if I have to experience that again
Anyone else here suffer with a chronic illness? Most of the time I am fine and functioning relatively well but today is a bad day where I can't do much or even lift up my baby due to pain, it's so sad and I feel like such a bad mum. Thank goodness for family and friends to help out but I wish I could be there more f...
I finally gave birth to my baby girl on the 10th. It was painful but so worth it in the end. I feel so empty now not in a sad way but in a I miss being with her 24/7 when she was in my womb. Like I was never alone and now when I go take a nap or leave her in another room I get so sad because she was once apart of me...
Shes 50. She has 8 kids. Her last 3 she's had back to back & all have multiple health issues. They are always in the hospital & have undergone different surgeries. I told her she should seriously think about birth control bc it's not fair to her kids. She's barely there for the other 5 kids bc shes always taking har...
Judgement free zone!! How long did everyone wait to have sex with their partner again following giving birth? Do you regret how soon or long it took you to get back in the sheets?
I've struggled with depression since I was a pre-teen and the same with an eating disorder on and off. Now that I have my daughter I've found myself using her as an excuse for not taking care of myself and falling back into my old eating habits. I have a hard time with hygiene due to my depression and when people as...
There is an OBGYN on Insta who’s popular and she had a baby a year ago and was very excited and happy etc. Then she fell pregnant again 6 months later(unplanned based on her posts) and now in all her posts she is so sad and having a hard time etc. and this is when she’s a doctor so she knew the risks. I don’t know w...
I’m due feb my girl will be 18 months then but she’s still breastfeeding at night and SOOO clingy to just me she will stay with her sisters and dad but it’s mostly me and only me, I’m actually dreading how she will cope and I’m going to be so anxious when I have to go to hospital 😢 I know she’s going to be terrible…
Those of you who have a boy and a girl was your mental health worse while pregnant with a boy? I think I’m struggling with my mental health this pregnancy… Idk what I want from this tbh Thanks for voting and taking the time to read this xoxo