Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Health & Wellbeing.
i really need some mom friends, i keep trying to reach out and i just feel rejected my everyone. it could be in my head but i don’t even wanna try anymore. i was supposed to maybe do something this week w a new friend potentially, but she hasn’t reached out about it. should i reach out to her? or just wait? i’m sick...
Hello mums I’ve used the thrush applicator but it some people say when ur pregnant don’t? Last time I had thrush I didn’t finish my course as of the irrational it caused my cervix and the cramping. I inserted just now but with the applicator but not too far in like you can see some of it is that safe to do
Does anyone knows about any legit jobs from home ?
Idk about you guys, but i come on this app for mom content. Moms have a lot going on and are anxious already. I want to come on here as an escape, talk to mom friends, & help each other out. If i wanted to see politic crap nonstop, I'd go in Facebook
Hello ladies, I had my vaginal sweep, or was meant to😂 I couldn’t get through the whole process as I was in so much pain. Any tips on how to endure it?!😭
Not sure how to season these and would love some suggestions!
Hi, my name is Beth and I’m 23. I’m a first time mum to my beautiful little boy Arlo-James and I’m struggling with postpartum depression and loneliness. If I’m being honest I think I just need some friends, real friends. Someone you can trust and just vent to and FaceTime. If you feel like you just need someone to t...
in my household that was the cure for EVERYTHING lol
I've had people add me, but no one talks. 🥲 I don't mind if you're not local to me, I just need friends. I have no one to talk to, and I might actually go insane. (jk)
So I give birth in about a month and a half and I plan to get on birth control afterwards, The pill is a big no no, I was on it before and i gained 30 pounds because of it, and overall just didn’t like it. Any suggestions? I understand everyone’s body reacts differently to everything, but I’d love to hear more exper...
I’m looking to start going to baby groups with my baby his over 4 months and want pay as you go, can anyone recommend any please x
Is anyone finding they just don’t have a real routine yet? We have a rough bath and bed time one but not really much of a daytime routine. Should we have one by now?
wish I could get a break before I break somebody in my house.
Hi all. I desperately want to divorce my husband and sooner rather than later. I have no job, no car, no saved funds, no friends or family in the state or anywhere nearby. We have one toddler about to turn 2. We share a car but he takes it 7 days a week (5 days for work, the weekends to spend all day hunting). He to...
I started using a dating app recently and lots of people want you to give out your instagram or social media to talk on there/ see your real. I say I don’t add random people because I have pictures of my daughter on there and never actually know who your talking to. I always say it in a lighthearted way. Some peo...
Gosh I saved the recipe months ago and finally getting over the everything smells horrible period so decided to cook again and well it was a total success🤣
I had 3 shots of depo, last one being August. I didn't renew my shot as I bleed for the whole time I was on it. When will I get my period back? My last bleed was November? 🤣 anyone else had this issue? I'm a bit worried it'll come and I have my smear next week and I've already put it off so much (baby is a year…
As a mom who doesn’t drink or party, is it possible to be friends with moms that do? Considering different interests
Asking because I don’t trust influencers and I don’t know anyone personally who has used it hahaha
For those of you that don’t have holidays days etc to use up for maternity leave. How many weeks did/will you work up until? I’m 36 weeks and am starting to feel really fed up, I have initially put next Friday as my final date but am feeling very exhausted.