Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Work & Money.
Hey mamas, has anyone in the UK had to do this? How did it go? Any advice? I'm worried my lower mat leave payslips will make things tricky for us. 😢
I’m considering not going back to my job after 9 years (shock) I know.. but since having my LO I would just rather working from home. Does anyone have any advice on what I can do with a job to work at home. I’m open to anything!
I am currently 25 weeks pregnant & have been made redundant, my last day was 30 December 2024. I am due mid April so think it’s unlikely I will secure a job now. I am aware I might be able to claim some benefits, however as I have never signed on before, I don’t know what I am entitled too? Can somebody please ...
Hi Edmonton Mothers, has anyone here used Mom Care Docs, how is their service, would you recommend it? I understand they only use Royal Alexandra Hospital, is it a good hospital? I have been looking for a prenatal care as am going into second trimester without one. My doctor has made it clear he does not deal with ...
I’m searching for an obstetrician who offers private antenatal care specialised in high risk pregnancies. Any recommendations and what challenges you faced if you don’t mind to share?
Where all the Boss Moms at? Looking for like minded Mamas! 🦄💕💰💄
Is anyone else frustrated with the health care system? I recently upgraded my health insurance to the BEST one my employer provides since I am delivering this year! I’ve started to have terrible low back pain and my OB referred me to pelvic floor therapy. I called and it turns out my health insurance doesn’t cover...
First-time mom here, and I’m going to Methodist. Did anyone have to pay a delivery fee before actually delivering the baby? They gave me a maternity plan that includes professional fees for prenatal/postnatal office visits and delivery only If so- we’re your payments high for those that did not qualify for Medicai...
Hi all. Before I knew I was pregnant we spent 2 weeks travelling round Madagascar, eating all the local foods, raw meats, soft cheeses, diving, mozzie bits - all the normal holidaying in developing countries. I was 7 weeks pregnant at the time and now can’t shift concerns around exposure to listeria or taxoplasm...
I’m classed as high risk in my pregnancy and I am due to fly to Belfast for a family wedding when I am 35+4. Will I be able to fly if I get a fit note? Would the GP provide me with a fit note? The flight is Newcastle to Belfast so approx 40 mins if that.
Looking for remote jobs from home! Please send me ideas and help me! My jobs seems like it may not be lasting much longer and I have to be able to stay home with kiddo (been with company for years, but they wanted me back and I don’t think that will be happening as I want the time with my kiddo)
Hi all! I will be switching jobs after maternity and there's a high chance I'll have work from home option for a couple of days a week. I recently heard from someone that there's an option to hire someone to look after your baby while you're there working from home and you're with your baby during breaks. Is that...
Does anyone know the difference if any between SMP (from a paid job which you’re going on mat leave for) and Maternity allowance from the job centre ? I’m starting my job in January so not sure if my job will qualify me for SMP
Any mamas out there who have already returned to work have advice for a mama who is struggling to deal with all the worries and emotions that come with returning to work next week?
My partner works full time and his shifts are pretty set. I’m trying to work out a way that I can go back to work for the hours we need for the money etc but its impossible! We can’t afford to send baby to nursery and she would need to go for more than the 15 hours funded. We have no family/friends that can help. I ...
HELP! We’re just about to apply for funded childcare hours as my baby is starting nursery in Feb. I go back to work in Jan but am using annual leave until Feb. It says there is a deadline and we should have applied by 31st Dec? I thought you had to apply within 31 days of your returning to work date. What do I d...
Surely there's a SM out there whose figured it all out financially and doesn't struggle? And doesn't hate their job?! I'd love advice from you because I'll need to know what to aim for for the long run. I'm a young single mom and my family is abusive and didn't teach me anything. They taught me to take care of their...
Hi Mamas, Some background deets here… I live in CA and my due date is February 10, 2025. My employer is a Texas-based company, and we use Sedgwick for disability claims, etc. Well, I know I’m eligible for 4 weeks of short-term disability before my due date, as per California law, which should start around January ...
I thought you could just go to a food bank if you need help but they need to qualify you first. In order to get qualified you need to be referred by a third party who then fill out forms etc. I’m really struggling and just being passed from pillar to post. Can someone give me some advice please. I don’t know wher...
Would you say that to go into PM one needs to have a degree like an Msc? Or simply a short online training will suffice?