Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Fertility Treatments.
Hi all, I’ve had two fresh embryo transfers that both failed. One was in May and one November. Now moving on to frozen embryo transfers in January. Have a consultant appointment tomorrow to discuss anything we can change to try make it work this time. Anyone have any experience with this or ideas or advice? Fresh is...
I feel dumb but is this literally the walk in pharmacy at the asda supermarkets? Or is it asda pharmacy online?
Has anyone has any luck with getting their IVF meds prescription cheaper than your clinic have quoted? If so where did you get them from?
My husband and I have been together for 9 years (married for 1 year). I have a daughter (14 years old) from a previous relationship. We haven't used protection our whole relationship, and I haven't been on birth control since my daughter was 2. He used to say that he can't have kids, hence the reason I haven't gott...
Has anyone undergone an embryo transfer/ivf whilst still breastfeeding? I’m still feeding my 19 month old but we are thinking of transferring our last embryo in the next few months. I can’t see my daughter stopping BF anytime soon but I also don’t want to delay a transfer for too long. I know some clinics like you t...
Does anyone have this? And what are your experiences with it? I’ve just had baby number 2 and definitely no where near ready for baby number 3..
I’m having conflicting feelings about it. I want to try (I’m 21+6) and hubby and I have not had sexy time since May due to ivf/pregnancy stuff and I want to try, but I’m scared of what it will feel like and I have read that some women bleed after. Im going to talk to my medical providers this week about it, but want...
I had a pretty traumatic birth last Wednesday and have not been able to pee on my own since!! I’ve had multiple catheters taken out while I was in the hospital for 5 days after birth to try to see if I could do it on my own just for one to be put back in to “try again later” I eventually decided for my mental health...
This TTC journey has been hard for me this year . Sorry to moan have to let it off of my chest
Any tips for starting my first round of Clomid in the new year? I have pcos so have probably never ovulated in my life
I have been trying for 7 months now and as far as I’m aware i am ovulation as had positive strip tests and regular period each month and always on time! I was pregnant very young and with my second pregnancy I got pregnant 2 months after implant being removed! I am getting so upset and feel deflated and wondered i...
Had IUI done last Monday.
Hi so I conceived my beautiful baby girl who is 3 naturally after doing tests for ivf ( tried for 4 years prior). God is great! We have been trying for a sibling pretty much straight away and prayed for Irish twins but it didn't happen. I am looking into ivf now as I managed to save some money and what better than t...
Has anyone used Pre-seed? 🪴like? Dislike?
Had IUI done last Monday!
Does mucinex help you conceive? 👀
I’m due to start my first round on my next cycle. My clinic have advised me to contact on 1st day of period and I will start meds on day 21 of cycle and egg collection is scheduled for mid feb. Has any one else had a similar timeline? Will I be take the pill? Or straight in with injections? I’m just curious?
I chose to undergo IVF on my own. I’m glad of my decision. Sometimes I do worry, but I honestly don’t have the emotional capacity to be in a relationship. People are too inconsistent for me😩
Has anyone had success with a day 6 embryo? I keep reading differing accounts regarding how likely day 6 embryos are to result in a pregnancy. The grading is 4bb.
Has anyone had a IUI cancellation for too many mature follicles?