Support needed

So a couple of months ago I got a message from a girl on Facebook who told me that she had been talking to my husband over snap/ messages. I was 5 months postpartum and we had been going through a rough patch, but I never suspected it was getting to the point of him messaging other women. He was flirting, sending money to buy her drinks, telling her she looked good, calling her his favorite person, basically begging her to wake up late at night to talk, and she says he asked for nude pictures from her which he denies. He was also apparently telling her that I planned to move out after I graduated school, which I thought we were married and staying married but he had different plans. We’ve talked about everything since and he tells me “it was bad what I did but compared to how bad some people are, it wasn’t that bad” his mom even told me “at least she’s in a different state, so it’s not that bad”. Then I found out he had texted his ex and told her he missed her, she called me his baby mama and he didn’t correct her. But im just so tired of him and his family trying to minimize what he did. I feel like everyone around me is telling me what he did wasn’t even that bad compared to what it could have been basically. I guess I’m just looking for support or if someone thinks I am being dramatic, tell me that too. I stayed, because in a way I do feel like it wasn’t bad enough to end a marriage/break up a family. But I also know I deserve more than this.
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It’s also either this or therapy and therapy is expensive lol

Also. I feel like I’m expected to be over it by now because it “wasn’t that bad” and it just won’t leave my mind

Cheating is cheating! Sounds like he’s enabled to do whatever he wants because you haven’t left him for it and his family is justifying it. I’m sorry you’re going through that.

Has he apologized, does he understand he’s wrong. If he can’t see his mistakes for as bad as they are then he’ll do it again

You're completely justified to feel how you do. He's broken your trust and not even really showed any remorse just tried to minimise his betrayal. I would fear he'll do it again as he doesn't seem to respect you or your feelings.

Emotional is just as bad as physical. There was intent. It’ll he also did it intentionally. Your feelings are completely valid and if him and his family are minimizing his actions they are minimizing your feelings. As your husband he should not be doing that. You don’t want your little one to learn that. You don’t want them to grow up thinking it’s okay to feel that way or act that way. Mommas deserve to be happy too!

Damn this hit close to home.

No girl. It is that bad. Im sorry this happened to you.

You deserve better. Him and his family are manipulating you. He has no respect for you

Yeah he's an ass! Throw him to the curb

Leave him. It only gets worse. Don’t let family tell you to stay. That happened to me “stay, he didn’t know better, yall just got engaged so fast blah blah” I stayed and it just got progressively worse esp after the baby

It literally ruined so much for me, including future relationships. Go and be happy. Get YOURSELF therapy. Prayers. I really hope you make the right decision. Never stay for a child and ruin your mental health

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