Day time sleep

Is anyone else’s 7 week old just won’t sleep in the day? I’m on the verge of a breakdown because I’ve tried everything for him to sleep. He gets so overtired but with a 20 month old toddler to also look after it’s a constant juggling act. Seriously struggling at the moment 😭
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Me too! Since 7 weeks, now 8 weeks really struggling to get daytime naps and I don't even have another child to contend with!

I know this sounds weird but my baby fought sleep and I just tried laying a Muslin next to her face and she’s out light a light! I don’t know why or if it’s a fluke but it’s worked every time, I take it away when I put her in her cot xx

I’m in the same boat 🫠 I also have a toddler who is very noisy and constantly dropping things which startles the baby. My partner has to take him out in the car every evening when he gets home from work as it’s the only place he will sleep! x

We found a swaddle helped, sometimes white noise too. Good luck!

Yeah I think it can be overstimulation. My 9 weeks old sleeps loads in the day EXCEPT when we’ve been to a baby sensory class when she gets a lots of stimulation and then she’s just wired all afternoon and won’t nap 🤦‍♀️

Have you tried babywearing? My boys are 1 month and 18 months so I feel your pain! He falls asleep in the wrap within minutes, there’s no way he’ll sleep any other way during the day 🫠 on the plus side, it’s a free workout for me 😂

I know how ur feeling my daughter is also 7 weeks and she’s got colic and reflux won’t sleep in the day unless I’m holding her soon as I put her down she will scream then it’s a struggle 2 get her back 2 sleep again after I also have an almost 4 year old who I feel bad for cause I’m not able 2 do anything with her cause I’m always holding baby 😩

My little girl fights sleep sometimes. I think it's when she's overstimulated. I try to put her down if she's been awake for 2hours. Wake windows at this age should be around 60-90min i believe. I find baby-wearing or swaddling helps when she's being fussy and the good old rocking her to sleep.

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