
do you use the term “gave birth” even though you had a C-Section ? I never know what to say , I always say “my son got ripped out of me” 😂
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In general convos like after birth I did this etc yeah but if I was talking specifically about my birth I say he came out the sunroof 😁

@April “out the sunroof” , listen ; I actually like that 😂 and that sunroof was opened WIDEEE

Yes I do!! Birth is birth regardless of either!! Xxx

@April I love this too much 🤣🤣🤣

I have had a natural birth, an emergency c section and a planned c section with my 3 and I tell all their stories as is.... they all came from me it doesnt matter how they escaped 🤣... I wonder how number 4 is coming out?! 🤔🤔🤔

Yeah…she was still born so it’s still birth regardless of how it happened

Yes we still created life and that life came out of our bodies. I feel no different I had two traumatic vaginal births so they advised the c section the third Time

I say I gave birth and I had my son by c-section.

I get what you’re saying. I don’t say I birthed them either, I say I tried to & then “had a C-section/surgery”, but it doesn’t bother me when another c section mom does. I tend to say for “her/his birth” when talking about my kids, or when talking to them, I say “when I had surgery, or when the doctor cut my belly to get you out”…I’m very open & honest with them, so that I could explain why I couldn’t pick them up or do things & they’ve seen my scar.

‘Macduff was from his mother’s womb untimely ripped’ - Macbeth, Act 5 Scene 10 🎭 Then stab them 🗡️

@Hazel I like this one night need to use this from now on.


Yes I still gave birth but typically I refer to their eviction date lmao My MIL gets pissed when we talk about our kids eviction dates lol

I say my baby got evicted 😂

I just say I “birthed” them. No need for specifics unless they ask

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I released my offspring from my uterus

I evicted the squatter

@Hazel YES someone else thought of the Macbeth reference!! This made me happy to read hahaha

Yep I say gave birth

No, I never say that.

I refer to it as a cesarean birth and I insisted on my medical team using that term rather than “c-section” because the latter sounds so sterile, surgical, and makes me think of the knives more than the birth. Cesarean is a birth and takes just as much courage as any other birth.

Giving birth isn’t about a baby coming from a vagina. All babies are “born” so yes, I gave birth to him and that was the gateway to my body providing him with milk etc

Yes it’s a birth

Birth but mostly I say he was evicted 😂

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