Extreme guilt - no judgement pls

My baby is still very difficult at night. I try so hard to get her to sleep in the next to me and usually have a nice bedtime routine. But sometimes she just won’t settle at all. I’ve considered trying to safely cosleep but she just wants to be on my chest constantly, not even just next to me on the bed. Anyways sometimes I wake up with her on me and have literally 0 recollection of how she got there. I must be so out of it that I just end up falling asleep trying to calm her down or I fall asleep after a feed. Maybe even during. I honestly have no idea and the guilt is killing me im literally crying as I type this lol. I’m so terrified of something happening to her and imagine it’s my fault because I can’t stay awake. At the beginning I could barely sleep I was so anxious and always had my eye on her but it’s catching up to me now and I physically can’t keep awake. Please could I have any advice for those with Velcro babies? 😭
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I don't have much advice only solidarity! My baby is exactly the same, but has never settled in her next to me. I don't know if you have support at home but my husband and I split the night. He takes the baby 10/11-1/2am (depending on feeds) so I can sleep then it's easier to stay awake. I also use a v shaped pillow wrapped around me when baby is on my chest to support my arms if I do ever nod off. I then watch netflix on the iPad or play games to keep me awake. I've been assured they grow out of it though. Sending hugs

It used to happen to me a lot when my baby girl was 2-4weeks and she barely slept at night. One time I had her in my arms on the sofa (i sleep there a few days a week so my husband can get some proper sleep to work) and I fell asleep while feeding her and I slumped on the table head first, hit my forhead pretty bad, had a bruise for a few days😅 Thankfully my baby girl was OK, just got scared by the noise of my head hitting the table 😂 Then next times when i would start feeling exhausted I just had her on my chest, quite high up, holding her with both arms and protected from falling by the tall sofa cushion next to my arm on one side and another cushion on the other side so we are both held in the same position. It's not the ideal way to sleep but it's still safer than falling asleep in random positions with the baby in your arms (I swear on my head lol🙃)

Nights are so tough, we naturally want to sleep and feeding baby is sleep inducing too! I'm co sleeping for exactly this reason, as he won't settle in the next to me crib yet. Watch shows or read a book or playing games helps depending on how he is positioned. If you're breastfeeding try feeding laying down on your side.

No advice either but just wanted to say we are in the same place. My LO is 8weeks now and still hates his next to me. Longest I've got him to sleep was on a moses basket for 1.5hrs and that happened once. I can get 30mins usually of him independently sleeping before he wakes up howling. He will contact sleep for 3+ hrs however so when I'm sleep deprived I often just let him sleep on me in bed, holding him tight. It's so horrible waking up in a panic but it's the only way me and him sleep. I've tried laying him in the bed with me but even that he will fuss at. I'm hoping he will grow out of it in the coming months.

You can chest sleep safely https://www.instagram.com/p/CwVmwblvlPB/?igsh=MnZ3YXBuMG12MTBz I had to do this for the first few weeks as my son wouldn’t settle in the next to me at all. He will now mostly sleep in there for the first part of the night but I chest sleep early morning as he’s still unsettled then.

There’s a co sleeping group on Facebook with lots of info on how to chest sleep as safely as possible x

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