My waters broke days ago but no contractions

Any advice for how to speed this up? I’m eating spicy food and pineapple whilst bouncing on my ball…. And no I can’t have any nookie 😂 Pleaseeeee tell me some ideas for getting this show on the road.
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Have you been seen by hospital? Once waters have broken after 24 hours there’s high risk of infection, they usually book you in for induction within 24 hours…

@Amy sure have, went in straight away, they kept me for 24hrs and then sent me home with antibiotics (to reduce infection risk) to await the main event. I’m early so apparently they can leave you until the 37 week mark which is another 10 days for me. Beyond frustrating

Ah bless you! I didn’t know that was a thing! Hope baby comes for you soon xx

Oxytocin is what starts labour (that's why they say sex helps, and it's what they give you during an induction) so do things that give you that warm happy feeling :)

My waters broke at 32+1, and she arrived a week later. She had a 3 week stay in Nicu. I don't know how many weeks you are, but hang in there lovely every hour they stay put will be better for baby 😊 as I'm sure you've been told any changes or you not feeling well get yourself straight in, call on the way. Good luck, hope all goes well X

Can you try nipple stimulation and colostrum harvesting??

@Emily this happened when mine broke at 35 weeks I was sent away with antibiotics and made to wait until 37 weeks to be induced it was horrendous and I ended up getting sepsis so I would really push the hospital to be induced sooner to lower the risks of it

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