A funny one…😂

My niece is 3 days old and my sister can’t even move after her c-section to feed her in the night so I stayed over to help her, just so she wasn’t falling asleep with her in her arms to keep them safe and let her rest. When I tell you I was so sleep-deprived I was having conversations to myself about having nightmares because I put white noise on, and waking up saying random things to my sister😂😂 this baby had me up every 30 minutes until 6:30 and I completely lost track of time, kept waking up thinking ‘omg have I slept through her cries’, washing us both at 4am as she projectile vomited over me😂 then I woke up and realised I had fallen asleep on the side of the bed upright with my head resting on the crib. Gosh, I totally forgot about the craziness of sleep deprivation now my son is nearly 4, I can’t remember half the night but I can remember talking & saying really weird things & then randomly doing nappy changes when I didn’t even need to and trying to give her a dummy then realising I needed to make bottles. I then found myself randomly washing bottles in the kitchen and thought what are you doing? Then went back to sleep 😂 I’ve decided I am one and done hahaha. I kept waking up to hear little cries then she’d randomly stop and then I’d randomly wake up again and think ‘omg did I sleep through it’. I then looked at the time thinking I had been asleep for 2 hours and it had been 7 minutes😂 Anyone else got any funny sleep deprivation stories? I hope I did okay, I’m sat panicking in case I slept through cries but this girl had 4 bottles between 11 and 6, 3 nappy changes, 2 outfit changes, 2 blanket changes, 11 ‘rock to sleep’ sessions and several ‘I have no idea what is going on right now’ moments 😂 so glad I got to have a night with her she’s so precious❤️
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Another thing, I woke up to see I had given her a dummy so I have no idea when I got that out and gave her it but I remember waking up every 10 minutes to give her it at one point and just doing another bottle in the end because I was panicking so much she was still hungry, she then threw it all back up over me😂😂

I love the newborn stage but being crazy flying off the bed to check her bassinet was driving me insane fr..like I would talk to my bf in my sleep saying to put her back in the bassinet when she was already in there, I would touch the pillow thinking it’s her next to him he nearly pressed on my c-section scar after a few days of just coming home just to check on her and I screamed .😭

Me and my other half are bad enough now if our 3 year old wakes up more than once- we can’t remember what happened etc. the newborn days were insane! People don’t give new mums enough credit!

@Natalie Luna honestly, only one night of sleep deprivation and I feel insane today, it genuinely turns you crazy doesn’t it😂 talking to myself, doing things I don’t need to be doing, I also feel so sick & poorly today due to lack of sleep and I’ve just put food away in places It didnt even belong and I’ve dropped cottage cheese all over my landing somehow😂 I’m exhausted- I feel for newborn mums doing this everyday. I remember genuinely seeing things and talking to ‘the people in the room’ when my son was a newborn due to months of sleep deprivation. Now I’m 4 years in I realise there was nobody in the room I’m just insane😂😂

@Emma I tell my work colleagues I’m sleep deprived because my toddler wakes up twice. I am in fact just a drama queen I think- because after last night imma get excited over only waking up twice😂 although a night with my niece was well worth it, and it was nice to do it now I know what I’m doing and I’m not a stressed new mum as I was actually enjoying the cuddles and knowing what to do rather than crying myself to sleep asking when the baby will stop😂 this time round was lovely- but I am okay with only doing it once lol x

@Shannon haha! Yes Im much calmer helping my sister with her little one! I was a mess when my boy was newborn! 😂

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