I’m sorry things didn’t go as you planned, that’s really tough. Should they not have told you that she had flipped or did they only find out when she was being born? It could be worth a complaint as like you say they didn’t triple check and the section could have been avoided. My little boy was breech, I had a failed ECV at 38ish weeks and after that they did not even give me the option of a natural birth, they said it’s time to schedule a c-section. I was (still am!) a very anxious first time mum and of course would do exactly as suggested by the doctors but part of me wishes I had been brave enough to request a natural birth, just because he was breech should not have taken away this option for me! It seems UK hospitals are too scared to birth breech babies which is ridiculous tbh. I think about it alot and the natural water birth I dreamed of that I never got 🙁. Either way we are strong Mumma’s and grew and birthed a whole human, so, however they got here we are superhuman 💙
Wow g
I had a similar experience, but not at 10cm With my first I had a C-section at 10cm but that was due to baby in distress so obv I get that, but I do think if I had taken the epidural it might of helped. With my 2nd was getting the balloon induction at 38 weeks as he was only 5lb and hadn’t grown he then turned transverse during labour and was taken for a section a few hours later they gave me the spinal and then scanned me to which he was head down. I was laying there completely ready to start when they done this so told them to continue but I also think now if they’d scanned me before they put the spinal in would I have said to let me try the vbac I’d always wanted. Then I need to remind myself I have a healthy 16 month and 12 week old and how they got here doesn’t matter we’re all safe happy and healthy xx