@Becca hes growing on the bigger side and if they leave me to long the risks for natural birth go up, and because of my frequent episodes of reduced movements x
I’m due my first in October too and I’ve done research on inductions due to having GD and the potential they may suggest to me. All I’d say is, do some research and make sure you’re happy to go ahead with it or you can also say no or ask for them to delay it by a few days or a week. The scans aren’t always accurate when measuring baby and sometimes inductions can lead to other interventions like use of forceps, c sections etc. don’t feel you have to go along with whatever they suggest but, equally, if you’re happy then go for it x
@Maneek im definitely happy to be induced i researched beforehand as i knew it was a possibilty of them wanting to induce me im just confused as i havent been given much information as to when x
I was in a similar situation with my first and they talked a lot about induction through my pregnancy but in the end booked me in for a c section at 39 weeks, I got the phone call on a Thursday to come in on the Monday. So not loads of notice, as someone else said do your research, I'm having the same conversations this time as they think baby is big but I feel better informed so going to wait it out longer. My first came out at 7 pounds on the 75th centile so wasn't really big at all!
@Priya im going for induction for other reasons aswell not just baby growing big, iv looked a lot into it and they did say if i feel more comfortable with a c section thats what theyll do for me but iv said id like to try natural first x
@Charlotte hope it all goes well for you x
I'm being induced on the 3rd October due to baby's growth spurt , my diabetes and my epilepsy and loads of amniotic fluid around baby
@Linda im just unsure of when il get a date for mine x
Can I ask why you’re being induced? I was induced but at 40 weeks last time due to reduced movements. I was just told to expect a call in the next 24 hours when they had enough space x