By very low, did she mean it’s 0% effaced? We want for cervix to be paper thin and basically non-existent, effacement 100%. But it’s good that it’s soft and you’re dilating, all very good signs!!
@Stacie it was uncomfortable but not super painful
@Polina she didn’t say anything about being effaced. In my notes it states length of cervix 1 cm and station being -2. Not sure what they mean.
I was the same at 40+1 and 41+1 except cervix had got a bit thinner over the week. Baby came naturally at 41+5 without induction ☺️
Oh okay, so you’re most likely 75% effaced, typically cervix is 3-4 cm, so if it’s 1 cm then it’s about 70-75% which is a very good sign. We do want for the station to be on a plus side though, which would mean the head is engaged and the head is doing things to cervix like making it dilate even further. Try to stay active if possible, do hip opening exercises, walking! But this is very good news in my opinion, better than nothing haha
I had 4 sweeps at 1cm dilated and still nothing happened. 💙
@Kayleigh have you given birth yet?? How’s it going?
Yes my 2nd sweep was the same, and I went into labour that night so just keep active. Walking and birthing ball xx
following as having my first sweep tomorrow at 40+2. how was it? please update me on your progress!