I felt the same way! I was scheduled for CS at 38 weeks like 2 weeks before and NST scheduled for weeks 37-40 I’m like what the heck is this? It’s just part of general protocol to have dates marked in but as you get closer and your “estimated” delivery date (things are little bit more predictable by then) they will start making changes to your appointment schedule. Also feel free to reach out to your medical team and ask these questions instead of waiting on them bc this made me extremely anxious during the process and it’s not worth your energy/time!
I was scheduled as early as 32 weeks. Even with a healthy pregnancy, I had two miscarriages prior to this pregnancy and a higher bmi so they were like the average multiple mom gives birth between 31 to 36 weeks so let’s just book it out ahead of time. I also go to a practice where I see all 5 of their doctors and any one of them can deliver me.
@Sophia that's awesome! Your labor and delivery unit must be much more flexible with their scheduling! I also got my induction scheduled very early compared to our usual patients but that was just because I worked in my OB office so I was spoiled 😅
He ladies! Thanks for all of the thoughts/advice. A week has passed. I am 34 weeks 4 days and today they scheduled my induction for 36 weeks exact. So 10 days from now🤯
@Sophia sounds like my situation is similar as far as bmi and having 5+ Dr's that I meet with and could deliver me. Such a different experience from my singleton pregnancy... i loved having my 1 OB who I felt got to know me well. Not know any of these drs and just being a # on their schedule STRESSES me. Im just glad they finally gave me an induction date
I worked in OB and they just have timelines they have to follow for Labor and Delivery's rules. Like you said, your pregnancy has been smooth so with no complications you are not on the top of the priority list for delivering yet 🫶🏻 this is a good thing! Take a deep breath and next week will be here before you know it to get your induction scheduled ❤️