I bleed for the first 2 weeks. I’m now on Week 3 and I have had some small amounts of bleeding on and off- not every day.
Thank you both!
I was told I could potentially bleed for up to a month. I am EBF but not sure if it is different on formula. I do know that some days you can appear light and other days heavy. Sometimes if you push yourself too far (stretching etc) that can potentially make you bleed heavy. It can also be different colours - red/pink/yellow. I am just currently on about 2weeks and still going.
Didn't press feed think I was still bleeding pretty frequently till about 2 weeks. I'm almost 4 weeks pp now an I just have the last stage of lochia which is kinda just like yellowy mucus (sorry tmi). If you are bleeding heavily enough that u need to change your pad hourly go to triage. But it is normal to still be bleeding at this point and should slow down in the next week. But bleeding can last up to 6-8 weeks pp x