Hahaha that's my problem iv been going with the flow and the hubby is worried lol it would settle him more to kmow where to go and etc so he can be calm for me 😂😂🤣🤣
Tell him to just keep asking the nurses or else take him with you to your next appointment or just a day your free and give him a rough idea where he needs to park/ walk you into etc. so he at least knows the maternity area
Have a look online- I went to Antrim and they have a ‘virtual tour’ online, they might have something similar?
You could ask at a midwife appointment but I would assume due to staff shortages and patient privacy this isn’t allowed or standard procedure. You will basically just arrive at the maternity unit and they will take you from there depending on your stage of labour. No pregnancy or labour is text book I went for a check up and was kept and induced others have emergency sections, long quick labours etc. just expect the unexpected and go with the flow