I packed my nappy bag FULL. I had about 8 bottles of ready made formula in there, all the bottles, dummies, nappies, wipes,toys calpol sachets, change of clothes etc. bare in mind that u need to have any liquids (excluding baby milk) in a separate clear bag to go thru security so the calpol and nappy creams etc I also packed my hand luggage full aswell with more nappies and things for baby eg. Rockit, teddy, baby carrier I made sure I had plenty of supplies in case of a delay x
@Lucy ah brilliant. Thank you for the reply :)
If you are taking a nuby rapid cool check with your airport as lots of people get them taken off them in security. It has to go in big case due to the thermometer in it x
@Marissa I’m not taking one, I was going too but decided against it. Thank you for the info tho :)
I've travelled 7 times with the rapid cool bottle through Gatwick security 👌🏼
Okay so 5kg is not enough wahhh :(
Hey, you can pack whatever you want as long as it fits weight/size restrictions