Inducti is near

I'm 40+5 with ni signs of labor what so ever. Tried everything and nothing... I'm being induced in two days and I'm scared. I was not scared of labor if it started spontaneously but the induction is scaring me I don't know why. Any positive stories of induction that did not need c-section at the end?
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We were induced via cervidil with our first. Within 6 hours of placement, we were ready to rock and roll. It's wasn't an amazing experience - but 12 hours later bubs was in my arms. No C-section (: I'm hoping to avoid induction this time around, but won't be upset if things play out the same way the second time around.

@Laurie thanks this lifts my spirits up! Did un have any signs of labor when you went in? Coz I've had absolutely 0...

None! Which was the discouraging part at the time. We were induced at 41+5. I honestly think think there was no chance my body was going to have that baby without the extra help.

Just came to say I’m right there with you mama! 40+5 today but induction isn’t booked til the 11th 😭 I also really don’t wanna be induced but I’ve tried everything to get labour going naturally and no luck. With my first baby I went into labour naturally at 40+3 so I was hoping for the same this time around 🥲

I gave birth after being induced 2 days ago! Went in for the balloon catheter which opened my cervix to 5cm, caused rhythmic cramps but when it was removed 12 hours later, they stopped. A few hours later, Dr broke my water, and I had light contractions for about 3 hours. As soon as they started the lowest dose of oxytocin, the contractions came on hard (it sucked!!) and I had them start the epidural asap. The epidural took away the pain but I could still feel intense pressure as they slowly increased the oxy (remember to breathe through the contractions!). 12 hours after my water broke and 9 hours after the oxy, I had sweet baby in my arms! Pushing was only 45 minutes but well controlled, a successful vaginal delivery. Wishing you all the best! <3

I was induced last week at 38+5 with cervidil. 7 hours after it was inserted I had to go back to the hospital because contractions were 2.5 mins apart and extremely painful. After putting me on the monitor and checking my cervix (it was softened but not at all dilated), my contractions were 1-1.5 mins apart and extremely painful (I was in tears from the pain) and not getting any rest between contractions, so the doc removed the cervidil to give me some relief, which after some time reduced the intensity of the contractions and pain. I was sent home to continue laboring and told to return in 4 hrs to check the progress. When I returned, I had dilated and was admitted and my water was broken. From the time contractions started after the cervidil to when the baby was delivered was a little over 25 hours. I successfully delivered vaginally, but had some tearing.

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