@Amy how are you feeling xx
Definitely take it easy! Don’t try to do too much even if you feel you can. I would just pack as normal, just make sure you have joggers/knickers that are either high waisted or over the bump ones so they don’t rub on your incision! The recovery can be rough but just stay on top of your pain killers ☺️. Having my second section in a few weeks but my last one was an emergency!
I had a planned c section in April last year, and I was really anxious just like you. I ended up really enjoying the day though, and it wasn't anywhere near as bad as I was thinking it would be. Recovery can be tough, but again it wasn't as bad as I'd feared it would be. I'd say knickers/clothes that are nice and big and loose so they don't rub on your incision is a must, I was very glad of mine. And stay on top of your painkillers too. I didn't take the painkillers they offered immediately after because I wasn't in pain at the time, but then regretted it an hour or so later! I'd also say getting the balance between rest and moving around is important too, or at least it was for me. They advise you to walk around a bit as soon as you can, and I did find I got less stiff and sore if I got up and moved around intermittently. On the flip side, obviously don't overdo it and make sure you get enough rest. I hope it all goes really well for you. X
@Charmaine not too bad just can’t wait to know whether I am having one or not. Once I know I feel like I can plan and get organised where as at the moment I’m putting it off!
Following as I may have to have a C-section for same reason! Will find out Thursday.