C Section or Natural?

So, I had a growth scan today, and the baby is measuring at 7lb 11oz, and I'm 38+1. I was going for a natural birth, ideally a water birth. But now I'm torn (pardon the pun) on whether to have a c section, what do you think? I'm really leaning towards a c section, as I'm quite petite myself. X
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I’m the same 😭 I had a growth scan on Friday at 38+4 and my baby was 8lb8oz, I’m 5ft1 and quite petite too😬😬 I’m also wanting to have a water birth. I think I’m going to try it and see how I get on, terrified of the thought of tearing though 😣 I believe the water is supposed to help anyway, and scans can be inaccurate so praying for the lower end of the estimate and that everything will be ok 😅

I had a growth scan at 37 weeks and baby was measuring 8lbs 1. I had him at 39+2 weeks and he weighed 9lbs 5oz. I was induced as I had gestational diabetes, but birthed him myself! I've heard sometimes the bigger the baby the easier they are to birth as they have more weight behind them! Just do what feels right to you xx

@Eilidh I'm 5ft1 too, my husband thinks it would just be the safer option for both me and the baby, he said is it worth the risk of tearing and maybe it ending in a c section. I'm hoping to give birth at a birth centre that isn't connected to the hospital, so I'd have to get in an ambulance to the hospital to have the c section. All very daunting, just dont know what's best xx

Same here, had my growth scan at 36+2 and baby is 6lb 9oz - the sonographer said is a pretty standard size but I’m a bit worried as I am also petite (5’2) and plan a natural water birth. I’ll go ahead with the plan nevertheless and hope for the best 🥹

You can still push out a baby. 7lbs isn’t that big and sometimes those things aren’t accurate. I would still definitely try and maybe in your mind think about how long you’d want to try for before a potential c section. I had one with my first for multiple reasons but one was because of size he was 10lbs 6oz. With my second I had a vbac and she was 8lbs 3oz. So it’s definitely still possible for a above average baby

i’m similar! 40 weeks and measuring 8lb+ i’m only 5’2 and small framed. i think i’m gonna try my best for a natural birth though and not c-section just as that’s my preference, but we’ll see how it goes 🤣 i’m hoping once the head is out that’s the hardest part out the way! x

Baby size isn’t really a reason for induction or c-section. There are 6lb babies that will get stuck and cause tears, and there are 10lb babies that will be born with no intervention or complications. Also just remember that growth scans can be up to 15% off which doesn’t sound like a lot but it actually is! 15% less than 7lbs 11 is actually 6lbs 10 which is a great size. So just a few things to think about. Do whatever you feel most comfortable with and don’t be pressured one way or another. And don’t forget that once you have a c-section, it increases your need of having more in the future by 30% x

I’d definitely try to avoid a c-section I had one on Monday and I’ve found it so difficult the pain can be quite intense you have to rely on other to help you out because you can’t lift anything heavier than your baby and for any future pregnancy you’ve got to wait 2 years before you can start trying again and you are more than likely going to need a section again at the end of the day it’s your choice but definitely do your research before deciding anything good luck xx

Thank you everyone xx

The decision is yours and yours only. Not your husband's, not someone else's X What I would point out is that woman's body will not grow a baby unable to birth 🙌🏼 As Becca above said smaller babies can get stuck as well as larger. There was a small lady on Peanut who gave birth couple months ago to 11 pounds baby girl vaginally without even a small tear! So don't get discouraged. Equally as said above weigh your pros and cons of each decision, not just immediate but longterm. Do you want more children? How soon? You happy with 1? How much support can you get the first weeks? All has to be considered 🫶🏽

I was 55kg before pregnancy, 5 foot 1. Very petite. My 36 week scan showed my baby weighing 6lbs 11oz. My baby was born 7lb 9oz (just off of 8 pounds) and we birthed naturally smoothly! Also tearing is completely normal even in babies that are smaller. I think your body is made for it but it’s completely your call and you’ll make the right choice for you and your baby 🤍🫶🏽 goodluck xx

@Natalie yeah it’s very scary, I totally feel you! I think on the other hand though the midwife/people doing the scan would have let you know if they thought it would be a better option for a section. I think these measurements sound big to us but medical staff aren’t too worried about it so that’s a positive sign! I don’t think it’d get to the point of tearing down below then also needing a c section? As the tearing happens during the delivery, by that point would be much too late I’d have thought? I could be wrong though. I’m also hoping to go to the birth centre, so fingers crossed for both of us all goes ok lol x

I had growth scan at 36weeks baby was 7lb then and when I spoke to consultant he said normally only gain 1/2lb each week and i’m planning a home birth😍

I would take these measurements with a pinch of salt, have whatever birth you want but don’t change it out of fear of big baby (7lb is pretty normal size), the measurements are nearly always out xx

Growth scans aren't particularly accurate and we rarely grow babies we aren't capable of birthing naturally unless there's something else going on like GD. A tear is completely natural to happen that's why we are so soft down there and IMO is nothing compared to having Major abdominal surgery that comes with massive risks x

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As most have said growth scans really aren't accurate so try not worry too much based on what's predicted at this stage. Your body wouldn't grow a baby it couldn't birth, also I know tearing sounds so scary but it's really not that bad. I had a 2nd degree tear with my first baby and I didn't feel it happening, I had to ask afterwards if I tore as I genuinely didn't know if I had or not

I think tearing is much less about big or small baby and more about position and breathing baby down - water birth helps x

I personally think always to try for the natural/vaginal/ water birth first if it’s what you want. It sounds like you had a plan but this potential size has changed your mind, but the scans are not always right. My niece was measuring large, and hospital encouraged assistance. But she arrived only 5.4lb after a natural delivery. These scans are all fine and well but they are not always the most accurate. Always trust your instincts and go for what is best and safest for you 💞

My baby was estimated to be 6lb6oz at 37 weeks growth scan. He was born 40+3 weighing 6lb1oz. The growth scans aren’t very accurate. I had an emergency c section and truth be told I can’t see why anyone would ever choose to go through one.. the recovery has been so physically and emotionally challenging. For the first three days I couldn’t even pick up my baby my partner had to do everything for him. To each their own but I would have given anything to have him naturally x

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