Glad you made that call!! How long ago was your first baby?
Yes! Always, always listen to your body!!
@Nora We waited 22 months before getting pregnant again with our second.
Im sorry this happened but thank the lord u and bby are here safe ❤️what kind of tell tale signs were u having that something felt off?? Xx
I have heard that induction can increase chances of uterine rupture I thought it wasn’t even an option!!
@Tahirah I felt sick. And having this over whelming feeling/dread that something was wrong, that this feeling sick was the beginning of something serious.
@Naazish Yes its an increase but from what I was told 3% increase. I met the markers to have a VBAC amd only reason they induced was do to hypertension. We were nervous I would develope preclamsia like my first pregnancy (which unfortunately my hypertension still developed into high BP and currently trying to get that into control. Lucky its not as bad as last time but still 😩 was hoping to avoid). I really wanted to try for VBAC. I do not do well with surgery.
So glad you and your baby are ok! It's so scary finding it about those things after the fact but also, great job asking for a c section and calling it. Try not to think of it as failed, you did everything you were supposed to and kept your baby safe I also got induced for a TOLAC, ended up at calling it at 6cm due to severe shoulder pains, heartrate decels and stomach tenderness. Turns out I had ruptured and the cord was wrapped around her neck 2x. No matter how we give birth it's scary and difficult!
Your story may not be the positive outcome that YOU wanted but it is still positive. I may not know you but I’m so glad you might the right call and you and your little are still here💕